Maybe the app had some glitches and he needs to refresh it. So he uninstalled Messenger then he downloaded it again. He immediately typed his username and password, he could feel his hands shaking; God knows how itched his hands to send a message to Dwight and tell him that he's okay now, that they could see each other again...they need to see each other, even just in a video call.

Username: Joshua.Pangilinan0716

Password: ********

Log In Successful!

He typed his full name right away on the search engine: Dwight Del Rosario, and then he opened their conversation. But it's still the same. 

Joshua was flabbergasted while staring at the screen. He read the error message many times, silently hoping that he read it wrong.

'You can't reply to this conversation. See Details.'

What is going on? Has Dwight blocked him on Facebook? But why? Is he mad? Did he do something wrong? Wait...Did he open his phone? Did he see his dating app?

He started to get paranoid. He knew that he was never gonna sleep tonight unless he got to talk to Dwight.

He tried everything, he made a new account and he searched Dwight's name on Facebook, but he couldn't find him. He double-checked his online connection, making sure that it was working, he even restarted the phone, and tried to search Dwight again in all the social media–but to no avail.

Did he deactivate all his accounts? Feeling helpless, he blows a loud breath. There's a big letter WHY marked on his mind right now that he doesn't know how to answer. 

So he messaged his mother...Even though it's already 2:33 in the morning. He didn't bother to greet, it's a direct-to-the-point question. 

Joshua: 'Ma, do you friend Dwight on Facebook? (2:33 a.m.)

 Joshua: Why I can't search for him on Facebook? (2:33 a.m.)

 Joshua:  'Ma, please, answer me.. (2:35 a.m.)

 Joshua: 'Maaaa... Please, I need to talk to him. (2:36 a.m)

He presses the video call button, it rings a few times but no answer. He tried to call again, but still no answer.

Joshua: 'Mama, please, answer my call...I really need to talk to Dwight. (2:42 a.m.)

 Joshua: I need to talk to Dwight...Please give me his number so I can call him. (2:43 a.m.) 

He tried to call again, but the phone gave a warning that the battery was already low and that anytime it could shut down. 


Before he could finish typing his message, the screen went shut down.

"No, no, no.. Please...No. You can't shut down, I need to talk to him!" he said like crazy. His right-hand grips the phone firmly. Tears ran down his face but he didn't bother to wipe them.

He pressed the power button long and hard, but it couldn't turn back on anymore.  

"Fuck!" He throws the phone, it bouncing from the bed onto the floor.

His lips are trembling from uttering his name. "D-Dwight..." His visions are blurry, and warm liquids keep flowing from his eyes. "Dwight .."


"Dwight...." Dwight caught his breath, his eyes were swollen. 'It's just a dream..'

He doesn't know what time it is, but he knows that it's still early. He managed to pull himself up. He didn't bother to turn on the light. He gropes the door knob. His hands search for the hand drail to go downstairs. He managed to reach the kitchen. He opened the fridge to get the pitcher because he needed to drink water. He was about to put the pitcher on the table when his rib hit the chair, the sudden sharp pain made him drop the jug.

"Oh, my God! Sir Dwight! What happened?!" Dwight didn't have to look where the voice came from. He knew it was their maid. "Why you didn't use your intercom to call us if you need anything.."

"I-I'm sorry, I just need some water to drink and I didn't want to wake you up."

He can hear his maid's loud exhale. "Don't move. There's shattered glass on the ground. Are you hurt?"

He shook his head. "N-no, s-sorry."

"It's fine. Let me help you.."

The maid guides him to sit down. After a little while he heard a clinked of glasses on the table. "Here's your water Sir. I'll just clean the floor quickly.."

He didn't speak. He drinks the water slowly. He let himself breathe freely.

"Sir, do you need anything else?"

"N-no, I'm good."

"Okay, let's go to your room now."


Tanya heard every beep and ring from her phone when her son was trying to contact her, but she chose to stop herself to get the phone.

"When he wakes up...Please tell him that I'm on the State already.." That was Dwight's request two weeks after the accident. The same day, after Joshua's 12 hours of brain surgery.  Dwight's face has no emotion, his eyes are covered with sunglasses. But she knew, he was hurting too. She knew he's also suffering because of Joshua's critical condition. Dwight did everything he could to save his son's life.

"B-but why?"

"He should not see me anymore. Help him to forget me."

Tanya holds his hand. "Didn't you love my son?"

It took time before Dwight could find the courage to speak again. "I-I don't love your son."

It was a lie. She saw in his eyes that he loved her son. The day before the accident, when he opened Joshua's door, she saw them naked while hugging each other. They look so comfortable with each other. Dwight might have a reason why he's acting like this.

"Is it because of your parents? I will talk to them—"

"—I..." She saw Dwight clenched his fists. "..don't need your help. Because of me, your son almost died, and until now, he's still in critical condition.  And now, I'm blind! So please do me a favor. Tell him that after the accident, I went to the US to continue my studies, and I already forget him. Tell him that I don't wanna see him anymore. Help him...to forget me.."


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