Dwight let Joshua's arms encircle his body. It makes him feel safe. Safe from the pressures that his parents gave him, safe from everyone's expectations. It's like a home where he can be whomever he wants to be without judgment. He doesn't know what's with Joshua, but every beat of his heart is telling him clear and loud, that he can trust this boy over everything.

"I'm sorry if I lied to you," Joshua voiced.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not straight, I think." Dwight turned his back to face Joshua. He cupped his face, staring into his eyes like it was one of the most beautiful stars in the universe.

"Is it about yesterday? I'm so sorry, I'm overreacting-" Joshua shushed him, his point finger was on Dwight's soft lips.

"About the other night. I mean it, it's not just because I was drunk. It's not just a one-night stand. It's...It's my first time doing it with the same gender, and I like it. I like it because I did it with you." Dwight could feel his face blushing, so he detached his hands from Joshua's face and turned around, trying to hide his blushing face, Joshua found it cute, so he walked in front of Dwight, he reached for his hands that were covering his 'cute' face, but Dwight's eyes remained close, Joshua take that as his opportunity to examine his face. The perfect shape of his soft lips-he knows it's soft because he kissed it-no, he devoured it many times that night. From his lips, Joshua's gaze landed on his pointed nose, his closed eyes, and his eyelashes, before he placed a kiss on his forehead. "And this is my first time to feel this way about the same gender. You wanna hear me say this, right? Without the influence of liquor on my body, I would say this again.." He waits for Dwight to open his teary eyes. "I love you, Dwight."

And with that, he claimed his lips. Dwight didn't make any protest, wholeheartedly, he again accepted those kisses and touches from Joshua. They both tumble to the surface of the bed, but that doesn't stop them from what they're doing. The kissing became hard and rough to the point that they both could taste blood from their lips, but they didn't care. They don't even know how they get nude. Everything happened so fast.

Joshua is now sucking Dwight's nipples while rubbing his palm to his manhood, which make the latter toes curl because of the addictive sensations it brought to his system. He can't suppress a moan.

"P-please...D-don't...Don't stop.." he's begging, his chest rising and falling.

"I will," Joshua's low voice. You can see a determination in his eyes to make him satisfied.

He then sucked his point and middle finger to make them wet. "Is it okay?" he asked for permission.

Dwight's throat bobbed up and down as he nodded, giving him the authority to do what needs to do. Gently, Joshua inserted his point finger first into Dwight's sensitive spot under his balls. He started rubbing it in and out. Dwight was biting his swollen lips so hard while moaning. From 1 finger to 2 fingers until it became stretchable enough for 3 fingers. "Is this your first time?"

Dwight's lips twitched. "I'm a virgin, you know."

"Ohh.." Joshua teased, and he leaned closer to whisper in his ear. "Can I be the first and last dick to go inside of you, literally?"

Dwight swallowed a lump in his throat. He was so dazed and didn't have enough strength to object. So, he nodded.

Joshua positioned himself on the top of Dwight's body, he opened the latter's leg wider while holding his long and hard shaft. Slowly he started to insert the tip of his penis into his 'virgin' hole. It's already wet with his saliva.

"Just tell me when it's hurt so I'll stop." Dwight didn't want him to stop. He didn't want this moment with him to come to an end.

Joshua keeps pushing forward to go deeper. Dwight can't control himself to wince. "Just c-continue.." He felt his body shaken, but he managed to pull himself together. Joshua saw the genuine pleading in Dwight's eyes so he obliged to continue until finally his wholeness was inside of Dwight. He's so tight, smooth, and warm and it's making his dick hardened even more.

He groaned in anticipation. "Fuck, you're so tight."

Dwight is panting still adjusting his body to what Joshua put inside of him. "I told you, I'm a virgin." He smirked, trying his best to hide the sharp pain in his behind.

"I'm gonna start to move slowly, is that okay?" Joshua asked. 

No, it's not. "Fuck me harder.." he said.


After 3 hours, the two boys went downstairs. Dwight's legs were shaking with every step he made to go downstairs. He felt sore, it was like his body was torn in half. Joshua was supporting Dwight while walking. He felt guilty inside.

"Oh, what happens? Are you hurt?" Tanya asked, worrying.

The two boys paused from walking, their tongues got tied, and they didn't know how to explain it to Tanya.

Still concerned, Tanya walked towards the two boys. She holds Dwight's right arm to help him sit in the nearby chair.

"What happened?" She questioned again.

"N-nothing," Dwight's stuttering. 

Tanya didn't believe him. "Are you sure?" Then she gazes at her son. "Did you do something to him inside your room?"

Joshua's forehead was sweating, he gulped because he could feel his throat go dry. "Nothing," was all Joshua could answer like Dwight.

Tanya blows a loud breath. "I'll go get some ice for your legs." Then she left the two.

Silence filled the air. Joshua and Dwight could hear each other's heavy breathing.

No one talked until Tanya went back with some ice covered with a snot rag. "Which part of your leg hurt? Your knees?"

Dwight was still unable to speak, so he just shook his head.

Tanya was gently pressing the snot rag with ice to Dwight's knee. As the ice starts melting, it makes his heart melts too while he keeps watching Tanya taking care of him. He never knew this is how it feels to have a mother taking care of you until today. Dwight didn't realize that his tears were flowing.

Meanwhile, Joshua was feeling guilty to the point that his conscience was burning in his head. He thought that the reason why Dwight is crying is because he fucked him too much hard. Without a word, he walked away to go outside and have a smoke to make himself calm.

"Why are you crying?" Tanya's eyes filled with concern. "Did my son hurt you?"

That's when Dwight realized his face was wet with his tears. He wiped his face right away. "I'm sorry."

She holds his shoulder. "No, I'm sorry, did my son hurt you?" she repeated.

Dwight shook his head. "No, your son is good."

"Then what happened? First, you came out to his room, injured. Now, you're crying." Tanya was still confused.

"Don't worry, me and Joshua are good. He didn't hurt me and he will never hurt me. We're best friends, right?"

Tanya felt relieved, her lips curved into a smile. "I'm happy that my son has a friend like you."

"I'm happy too that my best friend has a mother like you."

Tanya didn't know but she felt like she needed to give Dwight a hug.

So she did.

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