"Why? You ruined my son's life and future! Because of you, he's now blind. So, I warned you, if you approach him again, I'll put you in jail." Those words are still repeating in his brain. He's thinking that maybe his father was right. This is all his fault. Nothing else to blame but him.

He wants to run and give Dwight a tight hug, he wants to kneel in front of him to say sorry. But he knows that no sorry, or nothing he can do to change the situation. Dwight is now blind, because of him.

"Are you ready?" Ian questioned after he gathered all Joshua's belongings.

Joshua stared ahead at nothingness. Feeling lazy to do anything. He hears Ian speak again. "You should be excited, you know?" After all the tests he went through, his doctor finally gave a signal that he could go home.

"I don't wanna go home..."

Ian blows a loud breath. "I know, but you have to go home. Your life doesn't end here...When you go home, consider it as your new life. Start over again."

For some reason, Joshua felt insulted. He turned his gaze at Ian. "Do you think that's easy? To start over again?"

"No, it's not easy. It's fucking hard I know that. But no matter what happens, you have to keep going. You know in 3 months that you're unconscious, your heart keeps on beating, he's fighting for you...and now, look at you, all set to go back home and start over again. Not all people, especially in this hospital have that chance, so don't waste it."

Joshua shook his head. "No way, I will never go back home. I'm not ready yet to face my mother. She lied to me."

"Then where are you gonna go? We are still on the lockdown, and your doctor is expecting you to go home. It means, he already gives instructions to your driver at the location where he needs to take you."

Joshua gave him a look that Ian couldn't read. "Can you take me home?"

"Of course." He shrugs. "But the thing is...You know—I don't have a car."

"We can book a car."

"Okay, then, let's go.."

But Joshua still didn't move. "I mean, not in my house."

"Joshua, you nee–"

"–Please, take me to your home."

Ian was too stunned to speak. "What?"  He wants to make sure that he didn't hear it correctly.

"I said, I wanna go to your home. No worries, I'm not gonna be a burden. I will clean your house, do the laundry, and do anything you want. Just, please, take me to your house.."

Ian tried to consider his request. "You know, I'm not sure... I have–"

Joshua cut him off. "—Fine."

He stood up and grabbed his things. He wore his facemask and face shield and started walking out from his private room, leaving the speechless Ian.

He takes the lift to the ground floor and walks to the nurse station to settle his clearance for discharge. After that a nurse that he didn't know assisted him in going to the ambulance, yes, the ambulance was his service to take him home.

He was now inside the ambulance and the driver started the engine. He slid his eyes shut. He didn't wanna go home yet, but this lockdown left him no choice but to go.

The ambulance started to move slower and then they heard banging, like someone rattled their vehicle. The ambulance stopped for a moment until the ambulance door opened and it showed Ian.

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