Since he was a kid, Dwight never got what he wanted. He can still remember when he wants to play with his friends, his dad told him, that they were a bad influence, a distraction. So he should play alone. When he was in high school, he tried to be part of the badminton team. He secretly attended everyday training, until his coach told him that he chose him to be one of their representatives for the upcoming tournament in Japan. And for that to happen it needs consent from his parents. So he tried, he told his parents about this, his mind says, maybe this time they're gonna be proud of him. Imagine? He will play in an international tournament for the Philippines, and all Filipinos will surely be proud of him. But guess what? His dad told him that playing badminton would not give him a good future, and his dad couldn't believe that he wasted his time attending training every night, he thought that this was for his studies and not to play badminton. They were so disappointed, and because of that, his dad punished him, he got under house arrest for 3 months. He continued his studies at home. And when he was in college, he told his parents that he wanted to take a Bachelor of Medicine. His dad told him that that was not what he planned for him and that he should stick to the plan—Bachelor of Business Management.

As per his father, he is the only one who will inherit their business in the future. They owned several hotels in the Philippines and other countries; Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Hongkong and UAE.

But now, now is the day that he never thought would happen. His mom is giving him freedom. To finally do what he wants. But what a timing, because he and Joshua are just starting to build.. something.

"J-just one week?" he tried to clarify. His throat became tightened.

Catherine nodded to his son. "We don't want your dad to find you."

Time has passed by so fast, the last time he checked the clock when he came to his temporary apartment, it was 2 p.m. but now it's a quarter to midnight.

He's on the table and drinking Tequila to clear his mind. He grabs his phone to finally open the messenger. There are unread messages coming from Joshua Pangilinan.

Joshua: we just got home, don't worry, your car is safe and unscratched. 😅

Dwight's lips twitched, Joshua knows how to use emojis now, huh. He keeps on reading.

Joshua: how are you? Did your parents scold you because of what happened? 🙄😒

Joshua: 😭😭😭😭

Joshua: I'm sorry because of me, you get into this situation.🥺😭

Joshua: Why are you not online?😥 Are you okay? I'm starting to worry about you.😓

After reading Joshua's messages, he put his phone back on the counter because he didn't know what to say.

Is he okay? His lips twitched as he sipped his liquor. He should be okay, right? Because finally, he will get to do what he wants to do a long time ago. He knows that the time when his foot touches the land of Chicago, he's free. He's fucking finally free! But what the heck? He can't feel happiness. He closes his eyes. And he repeated to his mind what his mother had said earlier.

'One week..'

He sighed. That was so short and fast. And indeed it was so short and fast because when Dwight opened his eyes again, it was already 7 a.m. He didn't notice that he just slept on the table, while he was drinking last night.

Dwight took a shower and put a new clothes. Then he booked a cab to take him to Joshua's house.

When he arrived, as soon as Dwight paid the driver and he closed the cab's door. The soil he trampled on was like a magnet because he couldn't make a step forward to Joshua who was now washing his car, half-naked.

God, he's so sexy.

Dwight can't help but bite his lower lip and hold his breath, because of the breathtaking view.

Joshua felt something or should he say someone staring at him. His smile was automatic when he saw Dwight on the corner. He waves his hand at him. "Come here!"

'God, can you please explain why it needs to be just a week before the day that I've been waiting for my whole life to come? How can I leave this boy?' Dwight said in his mind.

Because Dwight doesn't respond and just standing on his feet like a statue, Joshua walks towards him. "Let's go inside, mom needs to see you. She keeps asking me about you because you didn't reply to my messages yesterday." Joshua tsking.

"I'm sorry, I'm deadbat."

"Hmm.." Joshua's pinching his own chin like thinking something. "I don't buy it, but it's okay. Let's go.." Joshua held Dwight's arm and ushered him inside the house into the kitchen.

Tanya was currently cooking for their breakfast when she refrained from what she was doing because she saw Dwight.

"Oh, son! You're here!" Tanya made her way to hug Dwight, while Joshua's forehead creased. Since when did her mother called Dwight a son? "It's nice to see you."

"Mother, this is not the first time you see him." Joshua rolled his eyes.

Dwight smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Tita."

"You can call me mother too."


"Yes, for me you're my son already."

Dwight's parents never called him a son. They always call him by his name like a dog. He blinked his eyes to prevent them from getting wet with tears. He's not gonna cry this morning. So to save himself from getting emotional, he tried to change the subject.

"What are you cooking ti–I mean, mother?" He grinned.

"I'm cooking your favorite dish. It's a salted egg chicken. Don't worry it's not taking long. For now, just take a short rest in Joshua's room." Dwight didn't argue, Tanya gave his son a signal look and Joshua immediately obeyed.

"I'll leave you here for a bit. I have to finish washing your car."

"I'll help you—"

Joshua interrupted him. "—no need. Just take a rest here...Please feel at home," he said as his eyes traveled his body.

Dwight gulped, he couldn't open his mouth as Joshua reached his hand to leave a kiss. And before Joshua closed his eyes, he winked at Dwight. "I'll make it quick. Just me wait me here my love."

"My love?" It's almost a whisper, but Joshua still heard it.

"Yes, from now on, I'm gonna call you 'my love', because my mother called you her son too."

That made his heart fluttered like the thousand butterflies that had taken up residence in his stomach.

Now, God gave him two options. First, an opportunity to study his dream course in America. Or second, his dream family with Joshua. If he chooses the latter, he knows that his dad will ruin it. That is the last thing he wants. He doesn't want to incriminate Joshua and Tanya to his cruel father.

 He doesn't want to incriminate Joshua and Tanya to his cruel father

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