Walking back and forth, Dwight was sort of discombobulated inside Joshua's room. He needs to find a way to explain his situation to Joshua and his mother—now, his second mother. He just met them in less than a month and they made him feel like a member of his family already. And now, he needs to leave them behind to pursue his dream—to become a doctor—and not a businessman like what his father had planned for him. Now that he has a chance to plan for his future on his own, he needs to choose between this family and his dream.

He heaved a sigh. Why does everything need to be complicated?

He walks to the window to look for Joshua. Joshua looks happy while washing his car like it's his own. He made a mental note to give his car to him when he's gonna leave to study. He deserves it.

He keeps watching Joshua, he obliviously examines his body. He felt so lucky because he knows how soft his skin is, he already felt how fast his heartbeat was, how hot his breath is, and how magical his lips are every time he kissed it, suck it, and bite it. He felt so lucky because those lips had already traveled on his body leaving a magical fire on its trail that made his entire system alive.

Joshua was about to finish, and he just poured the water to get rid of all the bubbles, then for some reason, his gaze went upward and he saw Dwight watching him, Dwight closed the curtains right away. A smile tugged on his lips. 'So cute,' Joshua thought.

Dwight caught his breath as he closed the curtains. Shit!

He pulls himself together, walks, and sits on the edge of the bed. Then he observes the room.

Joshua's room is not as organized as his room, but it's clean though. He has bookshelves–school books, he supposed because he can't seem to think that Joshua is the type of person who loves reading.  Out of curiosity, he turns on and off the lampshade on the bedside table. It's working. He heard something vibrating inside the drawer, so he opened it and saw Joshua's phone. A number with no registered name is calling. He grabs the phone like he has the authority to do so.

"Hello, who's this?" he asked.

"Let's drink now," a male voice. Perhaps it's Joshua's friend.

"Sorry, he's busy right now, but I will tell him that you called." The guy on the other line did not say anything, he just hung up.

Dwight's forehead creased. He doesn't think that's a nice way to end the call. But Never mind.

He put the phone back inside the drawer but before he closed it, he saw the photo album. He reached for it and as he flipped the first page, a photo of Dwight when he was little greeted him; It was a picture of a baby on the crib, a little boy riding in the 3-wheeled bike, a picture of his 7th birthday, and a family photo.

He felt happy and envious at the same time for Joshua. Because Joshua was so rich with the love of his family...A kind of love that he never had.

He flips to the second page. It's his graduation picture of 6th grade with his mom. A picture of his friends, and some pictures of him making fun. And lastly, a picture of little Joshua and a kid that was so familiar to him.

Unconsciously, his tears drop in the photo.


When Joshua finished washing the car, his feet brought him directly to the kitchen, where his mother was currently preparing lunch for them. At first, he didn't know why he was here, but then the sounds of pounding inside his chest reminded him of why.

He cleared his throat to get her attention.

Tanya turned her head to where the sounds came from. "Oh, you're here? Are you done washing Dwight's car? Where's Dwight?" she questions.

"Ahm," he has to clear his throat again. "He's in my room and uhm," he paused to take a gulp. "He's sleeping. Maybe he's too tired. I don't wanna wake him up. So. Can we take our lunch, uhm, later?" he lied.

Tanya gave him an understanding nod. "Of course."

Joshua forced a smile. "You can eat first if you're hungry. I'll just go upstairs and wait for Dwight to wake up."

"Sure," Tanya answered. Joshua was about to step towards the stairs when his mother spoke again. "And please wear some clothes, your friend is in your room."

"Noted," was Joshua's response but he has a different idea in his mind.

His heart rate sped up even more with each step he made toward his room where Dwight was waiting. Each step feels like forever, but he manages to endure the excitement that is about to explode inside his chest. He imagined Dwight was already nude while lying on his bed.

Until he finally reached the door knob and he twitched it then pulled it open. But instead of seeing the naked Dwight, he saw Dwight sitting on the edge of his bed, crying while looking at his photo album.

He walks carefully and he kneels in front of the only boy who can make his heart go crazy. He carefully raked his hair with his fingers. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Dwight bit his lips, his lips that for Joshua, it's perfect lips like it's been curved by Leonardo Da Vinci.

"I'm sorry," was Dwight said.

"W-why?" He's confused.

"Because I only had one week here...I-I have to leave, I'm going to study in America."

Because of what he heard, Joshua's entire frame shifted. He didn't know how many times he tried to swallow the lump in his throat to be able to speak.

"One...Week.." he repeats, trying to convince himself that he hears it wrong.

But Dwight confirmed it, "Yes...One week."

Joshua didn't know what to do, what to say. While his walking towards his room earlier, his mind was full of futures with Dwight. He plans to have Dwight as his date tomorrow because it's his birthday. He plans the first Valentine's next month with Dwight, he plans to travel with Dwight and he is the one who's driving. He plans to convince him to stay in their house and they will share the room.

But now, Dwight is going to leave for his study in America.

He holds his hand like it's his source of energy, his source of life.

"Why? Why America? Why not here? Why do you need to leave us?"

Dwight has to look up at the ceiling to gasp a breath, his tears continue to fall. "B-believe me, I don't want to leave you. If I can bring you there, I will. But I have to leave and pursue my dream before my dad ruins everything. If I stay here, he will find out about us and he will do everything to take me away from you forever..." He cupped his face, this was the first time he saw Joshua crying. "If I want you to be in life forever, I have to make sacrifices. It's just 5 years. And when I go back, I promise no one can separate us anymore, even my dad."

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