"So...What's your wish for me?" His white teeth shine as he smiles, waiting for Dwight's answer.

Dwight touched his face and his thumb caressed his lips. "You know, your lips are my favorite part of your body..."

Joshua scoffed. "I thought, my dick."

"That's just the second."

"Well..." He purses his lips. "What do my lips have to do with what I said?"

Dwight stares at his eyes. "My wish for you is to quit smoking."

Joshua's mouth is agape, but he manages to collect himself. He clears his throat before he speaks. "I started smoking when I was 12."

Dwight couldn't believe what he heard, but he remained silent. Joshua takes that as his cue to continue. "Smoking is something that I can't take out of my system, but for you, I will do it without hesitation.."

"D-don't force yourself..." He averted his gaze. "I just don't want you to smoke because I don't want you to get sick, and.."


"A-and I don't want cigarettes to burn your lips." He turned his gaze to Joshua when Joshua grabbed the cap cake from his hand and he shoved it in his mouth. He watches Joshua as he chews, he's tempted to lick the icing on his lips. If Dwight's parents didn't teach him how to control his emotions, maybe he did it already without hesitation. He needs to control himself because if can't, it's gonna be their six rounds already in less than 24 hours. He felt sore down there, he needed to give it a break.

"Let's go home, we have to take a rest. Tomorrow is a big day."

"You mean today, right?"

"I mean, later."

So, Joshua started the engine while Dwight turned on the audio player. Driving at midnight is a soul refresher as if everything in the world were so light.

"This is the most memorable birthday that I have ever had.." Joshua's voice.

"And this is the most memorable night in my life," Dwight seconded.

Joshua didn't bother to hit the break because he could see the green light in the distance. So he turns his head confidently to Dwight because the road is so wide, and there are almost no other cars around. He thought, maybe God gave them this road for tonight.

"I love you.." he stated.


Something big hit his side, and then they flew in the air upside down, and the moment they landed, everything went dark.

Joshua jolted awake as he caught his breath. That was the first night having that nightmare that he refused to believe that happened.

'No, that is impossible. That never happened. Never.'

He checks the clock on the wall, it's 1:21 a.m. He forces himself to stand up even though his legs are shaking. He removed the dextrox that stuck in his arm. Then he tried to step forward but he failed. He fell to the ground.

"Fuck," he winced.

He rubbed his legs and forced them to move, he did it several times. Then he tried to stand and walk again, and again, and again and again. Until his legs can manage to walk slowly. He took a deep breath before turning the door knob. He walked slowly at first until he heard a shout from his back.

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

And he runs.

Some people turned their gaze at him, all of them were wearing face masks. Despite knowing that the coronavirus was spreading to the whole country, it still didn't sink in in his mind that it was true. How could he believe that just one day when he woke up, everything had changed?

"Hey, where's your face mask?!" said the guard, trying to stop him.

He pushed the guard and he continued running.


But he didn't. He's aware that they're chasing him, but he keeps on running.

"I said, stop!" Until he hears the gunshot.

Chills run down his spine. He frozen.

"What are you, crazy lunatic?! Are you from Mars and you don't know that we are on lockdown, and yet you're here running away without a face mask." It was the police and he handcuffed him.


Joshua pivoted his body from sitting when he heard a knock on the door, the door released a nurse wearing a protective suit. On her other hand is a tray for his dinner; the plate, cup, spoon, and pork are all disposable.

"Good evening," she greeted. "Glad to see you reading books now, huh.."

Joshua's eye landed on her name tag. Yvonne.

Joshua raised on his feet to give her way.

"...and I'm glad to see you wearing a face mask, even though you're just inside the room," she added.

Joshua wanted to say that this was not a room, this was a prison. It's been 4 days now, since that night, that the police caught him running outside. If it weren't for his doctor who explained his situation, he'd probably be in jail now.

"What else can I do here? I don't have a phone."

The nurse smiles behind her N95 mask. "I will try to ask my colleague if they have an extra phone that can lend to you."

Upon hearing that, Joshua's face lit up. "Really?"

The nurse nods. "Really." Then she tapped his shoulder. "But promise me that you'll eat your food, okay? I'll come back here later for your medicines."

"I will. Thank you so much!"

"No worries...And what's the rule?" The nurse raised her left eyebrow while waiting for Joshua's answer.

"Never open the door."

"That's correct." Then the nurse bid her goodbye.


Joshua paced back and forth. He was so excited, he finished his meal in just 5 minutes.

Every second, he hears his heartbeat getting loud.

He felt nervous. He rubbed his palms together as he blew them a hot breath. He can't wait to have a phone to talk with Dwight.

He quickly turned to the door when he heard knocking. He runs. Yes, he runs to open it.

"Someone excited."

"Of course.." He followed the nurse to his table.

"Drink your medicine first.." She ordered.

"O-of course.." He took five pills at the same time and he didn't know what they were for.

"Good. Now this is your price for being a good boy."

Joshua's face lit up when he saw a cell phone in her hand.

"Thank you.."

The nurse was about to walk away when he spoke again. "Do you have Wi-Fi here?"

"That's already connected."

The phone has no password. He scrolls the screen until he sees the messenger app.

He logged in.

But when he opens their conversation, there are highlighted words that say; You can't reply to this conversation. Learn more.

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