After taking an ice bath. Dwight decided to leave again in his house to go to his escape place—the other escape place—not the same bar where he went the other night with Joshua. And while he was driving on the road he saw a familiar figure in the distance. He wants to sidetrack his car but there's a part of him that asking a question and he knows that this guy could give him the answer that he needs to hear. So, he pushed his steering wheel to make a horn to get the attention of this guy. He didn't make a mistake because the guy who was walking on the road took a glance at him and they had the same reaction when he saw his face on the windshield. 

Dwight rolled the window to speak, "Do you need a ride?" Samuel's face was hesitant but before he could protest, Dwight continued, "Do you want me to go out and open my car's door for you? Hop on ." It's like a command, and Sam felt like he needed to obey, so he climbed into the car beside the driver seat.

Without a word, Dwight started the engine.

Sam's smirked. "What do you want from me? Are you going to salvage me?"

Dwight didn't budge and matched Sam's level of confidence. He laughed. "Why?  Do you want me to?"

Sam's expression darkened. "Seriously, what do you want?"

"Explain," was Dwight's response. Then he stops the car.

Sam's throat became tight, and he needed to swallow—to swallow his pride because he knew that at this point; he was wrong. He knew he owed him an explanation.

"I'm sorry," he started. "What you saw earlier is not correct–I mean, I'm the one who kissed him."

Dwight's grip on the steering wheel. The air coming out from his mouth became heavy; he was trying to control his breathing. He keeps on listening.

"Something happened last night, and I know that it's not him. It's like there's something that bothers him. My mistakes because I just realized that after he punched me."

"Well, you deserve it." Dwight can't control himself to comment. However, Sam's head moves to agree with him.

"You're right. I'm a fool," he said, then he gazed at Dwight. "He kissed me too last night." Dwight's breath caught, and his heart slammed to a stop. He could feel his face reddened. Is he jealous? Why? He doesn't have to, because he and Joshua are not yet official. But it's still hurting him to know that the boy who almost won his heart and he trusted that he could love and would love him back could kiss someone else. Is he not enough? "But I know, it's not me in his mind when he kissed me. Asked him, because he only could give you further explanation." He unfastened his seatbelt and climbed out of the car.

Dwight arrived at his destination at exactly 7 pm. Although he seldom visited this place the crew at the bar recognized him and they prepared one of the best rooms in their bar for him.

"Sir, do you want a companion?" the guy who was wearing like a macho dancer asked him.

Dwight shook his head politely and said, "No."

He immediately drank the glass of tequila as soon as the servant placed them on his table. He drinks again like no tomorrow. They said the alcohol could heal the wound, so he hoped this kind of alcohol could heal his broken heart.

He doesn't know if he could still face Joshua after what happened. He doesn't know if he still needs his explanation. If he loves him, he will respect him, he will not kiss other lips than his lips. He felt like garbage that was being disposed of after being used. "What am I? A rebound?" he questioned himself before he drank a 6th shot of his tequila. He laughed alone but tears were flowing down his cheeks. He shook his head, trying to erase Joshua in his mind...did he really love(d) him? Or does he just assume?

Midnight came and he almost finished the third bottle of tequila. He felt dizzy but he can still manage to handle himself to drive. The same guy earlier was worried for him and offered him a drive back home, but still, he refused.

When he gets home he finds his parents in their living room and they seem like they're waiting for him. Based on the expressions on their faces, they were not in a good mood, and he was not in a good mood to face them as well, but still, he bowed his head to them to pay respect.

"Where have you been?" It's his father, in-a-so-serious-tone.

"From my friend."

Luke stood from the sofa and walked towards his son. He touched his son's chin to make him face him. "From a friend?"

Dwight nodded but his father slapped his face so hard, to the point that he fell to the floor. He tastes blood inside his mouth after that. If he was still the 10-year-old Dwight, perhaps he was crying right now, but he's not 10 anymore, and he's already numb from everything. So he kept his mouth closed, he gulped plenty of blood flowing from his gums and he stood up to face his father again with no emotions.

"Are you done?" It's the first time in history that he answered his dad without a filter. His parents were shocked. 

Luke was about to hit his son again but Catherine intervened and she screamed her husband's name. "Luke! Enough!"

Dwight smirked, the stains of blood were visible on his lips. He glared at his father without any fear. No amount of physical or emotional pain could scare him anymore, because he is already in pain that no word could describe, no measurement could even fathom. "No Mom, why stop him? Let him slap me again." 

"Go to your room now!"

But Dwight didn't obey like he used to. "No, let. Him. Slap. Me. Go on! Hit me!"

Luke could feel his body shaking in anger. No one ever triggers his patience until now. This is the first time and it's coming from his son, whom he thought couldn't break a dish. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! YOU'RE UNGRATEFUL, SON  OF A BITCH!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. 

Dwight doesn't have to be told twice. He left and his mother didn't stop him.

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