Chapter 44

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I instinctively backed away from her face as it grew close to mine. I turn to see one of my friends crushed against the wall by what appears to be shadowy hands.

"You again!? Omg you never give us some peace, wh*re!" Nanami said in anger as she tried to get out of the grip of the hands.

"Watch your language, Nanami" I remarked as Yumary giggled.

Yumary's chuckles fade as she abruptly disappears and a small plume of black smoke rises from where she had been standing. I turned to see where she might have gone when I noticed Nanami hanging to the wall with Yumary standing in front of her.

She smirked as she leaned closer to her face.

"I know that i should've kill you more earlier.... you're so annoying" Yumary said as black smoke began to emanate from her right palm.

She was going to place her right palm against her stomach when I acted and launched several ice shards in her direction. Of course, she anticipated it.

She is protected from the shards by a dark shield that appears from the ground.

"Get away from her, Yumary. She's not involved in this" i said as i tried to keep straight face.

"Hm?~ What do you mean 'involve'?" She looked away from Nanami with a sly grin on her face.

She then started walking towards me once more, and I attempted to stop her by firing more ice shards, but I obviously failed to do so. I step backwards until my back contacts the wall.

I scowled and groaned.

"You forced me to do this..." I said and touched the wall with both of my palms.

While she stood there, ice started covering the wall and spreading to the floor before heading her way. If I employ this strategy, I might be able to divert her attention like I previously did.

I need to stop her right away because it will risk losing my mana more quickly.

"This technique won't work to me again, darling~" As she looked down at the ice spread and nearly reached her heels, she grinned. When all of a sudden, a black haze consumed it.

"Y-you..?" I was terrified and unable to speak.

She chuckles and moves closer to me as she starts walking again. Her ruby eyes are covered by the blindfold as she looks at me.

As she looked at my terrified face, she started to smile. I managed to overcome my worries and was ready to release more ice shards when suddenly, she grabbed my wrist and pinned it to the wall.

"Lady Martina!" I heard Shikari woried voice as she still

"Oops, seem like the lady mana is drained~" She smiled mockingly.

Her other hand moved to the back of my neck, and I could feel the warmth emanating from her entire body. I feel like a scaredy mouse who has been cornered. The cat, who has black hair, had just caught her prey and was going to eat it.

My face was warming up as her face got close to mine. I turn my head away from her so I'm not staring.

"P-please, just don't hurt them.. they're not involved in this.." My cheek was flushed and heated as I spoke.

She froze and was silently glancing at me. As she slowed down and smiled once again, I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Did you just beg me?~" she said as she look....excited?

"I-i.." Despite the fact that it's not truly that way, I felt too ashamed.

She interlocked our hands while pressing her palm against mine and grinning teasingly as she moved her other hand from the back of my neck to my other hand.

I'm a villainous in a Otome Game?!Where stories live. Discover now