Chapter 51

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As the bed's wooden frame made a harsh squeaking sound, some gasping sounds could be heard in the distance.

I was kicking the air as the familiar hooded female was on my abdomen, their hands on my neck, and I was pinned to my bed. I squirm, attempting to breathe while pushing her away with my hands.

She leaned in closer to my ears, her hands still on my neck. As I gasped for air, her hot breath touched my ears.

"'re quite the fool isn't it?" She had a crazed smirk on her face.

Kira: woah woah alr i bet some of you had nasty thoughts rn but whatever- time to rewind back!


I awoke in the Shikari room, as usual, with my neck and back throbbing like hell. Have I been sleeping improperly?

I stretch my back as I hear a popping sound, sigh in relief, and glance around the room. My eyes are looking for someone in particular.

Where is Shikari, I wonder? I assumed she could at least wait until I awoke. Ugh, I'm being dramatic.

I get out of bed and go through my morning routine before leaving the dorm for class. I just keep strolling, expecting to see one of my friends, but they're nowhere to be found.

They used to emerge out of nowhere to be by my side, but now they've vanished. I'm so used to them clinging to me that I'm craving them now.

Maybe I should ask students. I move over to the students, hesitantly asking whether they've seen the girls.

They shook their heads as my countenance became perplexed. What the hell happened to them?

I simply thank them and proceed to class, where I take my seat. Maybe I'll run into them when they arrive at class.

So I waited, continually checking my watch, until I noticed a specific group of girls. My cheeks lit up slightly as I smiled.

My gaze follows them as they take their seat. I smile softly as Shikari sits next me, now that I have company.

The teacher ultimately began teaching, and the class began. I move my gaze across to Shikari, who is staring at her book.

"Hey shikari! You didn't even wake me up, at least try to help me wake up early like you did" I said jokingly as i chuckle a little.

"I have no time, you can wake up by yourself since you're already grown up, right?" Shikari said blankly, not even looking at me.

As my heart ached, I was taken aback by what she said. Ouch, her words are so stinging right now.

I frown slightly as I look at Horika next. As I leaned in closer to whisper, she was quietly doing her nails.

"Hey did something bad happen at Shikari? She seem to be in a bad mood.. " i asked concernly.

I heard Horika scoffed and turn her head at my face. She had the look..well, i dont know how to explain..she had a look of like a bitch.Shikari said blankly, not even looking at me.

"Maybe she's in a bad mood because of you" She rolled her eyes at me and returned her attention to her nails.

My face fell as she said it, and my heart ached. I could die right now.

I shook it off and convinced myself that I had done nothing wrong. I move on to Nanami, knowing just how she will react.

"Nanami, did something happen while im gone?" I asked, hoping she will answer honestly.

"Maybe its just you. Now shut up, im trying to focus on class, dumbass" she said coldly.

I was stunned by her remark; I knew Nanami always acted like a brat, but I knew she didn't always mean what she said, but now it sounds like she actually despises me.

I'm practically out of hope at this point, so I turn to Asuka, who was standing next me. I groan and mentally prepare myself.

"..Asuka, did i do something wrong? Why is everyone seem to be in a bad mood?" I asked genuinely as my hands under the table is fiddling.

"Maybe we just dont feel like seeing you" She brushes her white hair away from her face as she responds sharply.

Her piercing response made my heart ache so badly that I wanted to cry. I simply remain silent, turning to stare at the blackboard as the teacher explains the formula.

My eyes are holding on for dear life to keep my tears from streaming down my cheeks. I'm being overly emotional.

The atmosphere between us is tense. What happened? Why are they acting this way? I'm not sure what's going on with them. However, whatever it is...

I hate it.

I tried to hurry up my stroll after class to catch up with them. They didn't even bother to wait for me. They're like a different person since everything is so different.

We proceeded to the cafeteria and I sat at a table with them. Shikari returned to the table after selecting some food from her dish.

I notice a macaroon on her plate, which is my favorite.

"Can i have that macaroom?" I asked with a smile at Shikari.

"Get it yourself." She murmured this as she shoved the macaroon into her lips.

Oh, I forgot they're acting strangely now that I see the macaroon. Shikari would always bring me a macaroon even if I didn't ask for one; it had become a habit.

Maybe she's correct; I ought to choose my own meals instead of relying on others. But it still hurts to see her habit suddenly go.

I rose from my seat and proceeded to a large table with various delicacies presented on plates and other items.

Unfortunately, the macaroons have already been devoured by a large number of individuals, and there are no leftovers. It only makes me feel worse.

I'll just take another pastries..


Through the glass, I was watching my beloved from the outside. I can sense a lot of unpleasant emotions coming from her, so it's working.

Being in circumstances where someone you trusted and felt comfortable with suddenly becomes cold and rude... such angst makes me eager for the outcome.

She was on the verge of crying since she has such a gorgeous suffering look.

I just witnessed her go through a mood swing, and I felt remorse about putting her through it...

But this is her punishment.

I apologise for the last chapter where i lied to yall readers 😭 im just bored alr, sorry babes

Btw i can't wait to finish this story bc i had something more exciting im working on. But i wish my motivation is always up 😔

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