Chapter 62

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The classroom buzzed with chatter as Martina and her girlfriends took their seats.

The anticipation of a new student had piqued everyone's interest, and curious whispers filled the air. Martina, Shikari, Asuka, Horika, and Nanami settled into their usual spots, their minds still lingering on their earlier conversation in the garden.

"I wonder who this new student is," Asuka murmured, her voice barely audible over the din.

"Whoever they are, they better not cause any trouble," Nanami muttered, crossing her arms defensively.

Shikari patted her friend’s shoulder. "Let's give them a chance. It might be someone interesting."

Horika leaned back in her chair, her gaze fixed on the door. "Interesting or not, we'll find out soon enough."

As they waited, the door swung open, and Professor Anselm strode in. He was followed by a girl with medium, jet-black hair and striking blood eyes.

Her presence commanded attention, and a hush fell over the room. Martina's heart skipped a beat as recognition dawned on her.

"Everyone, this is Yumary. She’s joining us today," Professor Anselm announced, gesturing towards the new student.

Yumary, who had once been their formidable adversary, now stood before them with a blank expression. Martina exchanged worried glances with her girlfriends.

The last time they had seen Yumary, they had been trapped in her illusion, battling to escape. Her disappearance had been sudden and mysterious.

"Please take a seat, Yumary," Professor Anselm instructed, and she moved to an empty desk near the front.

As the class began, Martina couldn't help but steal glances at Yumary. Something about her seemed different.

There was a vacant look in her eyes, and she appeared disoriented. When the professor finally gave them a break, Martina and her girlfriends approached Yumary cautiously.

"Yumary?" Martina asked gently, hoping to gauge her reaction.

Yumary looked up, her expression confused but polite. "Yes?"

"What are you doing here? Are you trying to cause problem again??" Shikari asked, her tone laced with suspicion.

Yumary frowned, shaking her head slowly. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about..? Have i met you all before? If so, sorry but i have lost my memories a few days before. Its with unknown cause though.."

Martina's heart ached at the vulnerability in Yumary's voice. This was not the same girl who had once wielded dark magic with such ferocity. "What do you remember?" she asked softly.

"Not much," Yumary admitted. "I woke up with no recollection of my past. The school found me and offered me a place here to learn and recover."

Horika’s eyes narrowed. "What kind of magic do you use?"

Yumary hesitated before answering. "Flame magic. I can show you, if you'd like."

The group exchanged uneasy looks. The Yumary they had known had been a master of dark magic. If she truly had lost her memory and abilities, this could be their chance to start anew. But trust would not come easily.

"Go ahead," Nanami said, her arms still crossed.

Yumary raised her hand, conjuring a small flame that danced above her palm. The warmth of the fire seemed to ease some of the tension in the room, but Martina and her friends remained cautious.

"See? Nothing to worry about," Yumary said with a faint smile, extinguishing the flame.

As the group returned to their seats, Shikari leaned in towards Matrina. "What do you think? Could she really have lost her memories?"

"I think so," Martina replied, her eyes still on Yumary. "She seems... different."

Nanami grumbled, still unconvinced. "We'll need to keep an eye on her. People don't just change overnight."

Over the next few days, Yumary settled into the routine of the academy. She seemed genuinely eager to learn and make friends, though her past continued to cast a shadow over her interactions with Matrina's group.

They remained wary but began to see glimpses of a different side of Yumary—one that was kind, thoughtful, and perhaps even a bit lonely.

One afternoon, during a practical magic class, Yumary was paired with Martina. They were tasked with working together to create a protective barrier using their combined magic.

Martina couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu as they stood side by side, their hands outstretched.

"Let's give it a try," Martina said, focusing on the task.

Yumary nodded, and together they summoned their magic. The barrier formed, shimmering with a blend of Martina's wind magic and Yumary's flames. For a moment, their energies intertwined perfectly, creating a shield that was both strong and beautiful.

"Well done, you two," Professor Anselm praised. "Excellent control and collaboration."

As they lowered their hands, Yumary turned to Martina with a tentative smile. "Thank you for helping me. I feel like I'm starting to understand this new power."

Martina smiled back, her earlier suspicions easing. "You're doing great, Yumary. Just keep practicing."

Over the following weeks, the bond between Martina and Yumary began to grow. The rest of the group remained vigilant, but they couldn't ignore the changes in Yumary. She was no longer the sadistic dark mage they had once fought against.

Instead, she was becoming an integral part of their lives, her presence a reminder of the complexities of magic and memory.

One evening, as they gathered in the common room, Yumary approached them with a look of determination. "I know I've caused you all a lot of pain in the past, even if I don't remember it. But I want to make amends and be a part of your lives now, if you'll let me."

The room fell silent as everyone considered her words. Finally, Shikari spoke up. "It's not going to be easy, Yumary. Trust has to be earned, and it will take time."

"I understand," Yumary said, her voice steady. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

Asuka, her usual shyness giving way to a rare moment of bravery, stepped forward. "I think... I think we should give her a chance. People can change, and maybe Yumary has."

Horika and Nanami exchanged a look before nodding in agreement. "Alright," Horika said. "But we'll be watching you."

Yumary nodded, her eyes reflecting both determination and gratitude. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Martina felt a swell of emotion as she looked at Yumary and her friends. Despite the challenges ahead, there was a sense of hope and possibility.

Together, they would navigate this new chapter, their hearts open to the potential for growth and forgiveness.

As they sat together, the bonds of their unique and evolving relationship solidified. Martina's heart was full, not just with love for each of them, but with the hope that even the darkest of pasts could give way to a brighter future.

And so, under the twilight skies of Eastwead Magic Academy, they embarked on a journey of friendship, magic, and perhaps, a love that transcended all boundaries.

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