be my bitch - lemon

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Ages: 17
Type: Lemon
Desc: Kenny wanted to hang out with kyle, but plans got changed.


Kennys POV

Where the fuck is Kyle at? "Hey Kenny!" I turn to see my favorite red head. I wave him over. "Hi Kyle! Can we hang out today?" I hope he doesn't say no, I'm really hoping to confess today. Im fucking scared. "Sorry, I have plans with Stan. I'll ask him if you can come though?" He replied. I didn't reply straight away, I just stared at him.

         Taking in his beauty. He had emerald colored eyes that would shine when he was talking about something he was passionate about. His curly red hair that went everywhere when he took his hat off. It always looked soft, I wondered if i could touch it, Just once. His skinny but muscular arms, I just wanted to caress him all over. My gaze went down lower as my thoughts got dirtier. I quickly snapped out of it before I gave myself a problem I can't fix. ( wink wink lolz 🙈 )

He waved his hand in my face yelling out my name. "Kenny, Kenny! KENNY!!" I looked at him nodding quickly blushing at the thought of where my mind was going. I saw Stan coming towards us and I almost immediately scowled. I was so jealous of Stan, he was always 'Kyle this' or 'Wendy that'. I quickly took small glances at Kyle, A frown taking over my face as I saw them hug a little longer than friends do.

Why am I so jealous today. Maybe it's the fact that he's stealing your bitch. What the fuck?! Who are you?! That doesn't matter you need to go get your bitch. Yeah, I was going to confess today but stupid Stan has plans with him. You mean had, He said he would ask. And you know poor Stan can't say no.
That is true, Don't you think thats toxic though? Crashing in on their plans because i couldn't help my jealousy. Well i'm not staying here, Bye.

I grabbed Kyle's hang dragging him to my house, I don't care if Stan and Kyle had plans. I have to confess. "Kenny!!? What the fuck, me and Stan were gonna hang out!" He yelled at me, his face getting red with anger. (grrr im an alpha male 😸) I quickly dragged him in my dirty house, bringing him to my bedroom. I sat him down on the mattress, seeing roaches crawl from underneath. "Kyle, I like you!" I quickly blurted out, blushing like a mad man. Kyle stopped screaming immediately, "Really?, You actually do?" He replied getting redder by the second. I nodded and put my hand on his cheek. Bringing him closer to me, my lips finally met his. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces.

It quickly got steamy as our tongues fought for dominance. I pinned him down on my mattress as we disconnected our lips. I went down leaving hickeys and bite marks, soon finding his sweet spot. "Mhh~ Kenny-!" I sucked harder and came back up looking at my masterpiece. I started to take off my shirt, and he took off his. I studied him, quickly snapping out of my thoughts when I heard, "kenny, please.." he whimpered out. I quickly pulled both of our pants down, teasing him by going slower with his.

And you can imagine the rest 😊

This is my 3rd oneshot book, The other ones I deleted. Tell me how I did and how to improve!

577 words.

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