cry - angst

230 5 11

Type: Angst
Age: 16-17
Desc: Kyle feels overwhelmed and tries to keep his feelings in.

Kyles POV

        I stared amongst the class. I frowned as I sat in my seat in the front. I put my head down, I don't know what was wrong with me.

        I felt like falling on the floor and sobbing till I couldn't. I felt my throat go dry. I started coughing into my arms, passing it off as nothing.

       I looked up to see Kenny walking in. I could see his hair poking out of his hood, he shot me a wink. I felt my chest tighten, and my heart ached.

         I put my head back down and tried to push down the feelings, only making it worse. My breathing started to get faster. "Hey Kyle!"

       I heard Kenny say. I ignored him and focused on my breathing. "You ok?"  I shut my eyes tightly and started whispering to myself.
        "Kyle?" I felt tears escape as I became overwhelmed. I whispered 'stop' over and over. "Please stop." I whispered my voice quiet and broken.
         I felt Kenny rest his hand on my back, drawing shapes slowly. I only wanted to get out of his touch. I felt myself slipping deeper.

          My breathing got desperate as I tried to stop myself from crying. I sat up and wiped my eyes, looking down. I asked to go to the bathroom.

         I walked out of the classroom without looking at anything but the floor. I rushed into the bathroom. My sobs pouring out.

        What is wrong with me? I stared at the floor with unclear vision. I gripped my hat and started rocking back and forth. My sobs became harsh and loud.

       I buried my head in my knees to hide them. I heard the door open and my breathing only got worse. "Kyle?" I heard kenny call out.

        I cried into my knees and only gripped harder on my hat. My mumbles of  'stop' and 'no' got more frequent as he walked up to my stall. My cries became more desperate as he opened the stall.

           He gasped at my state and rushed towards me. "Kyle, Kyle. Listen to me" He whispered slowly. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered comforting things to me.

          I felt myself calming down at the touch. I stopped rocking and took my head from my knees. I saw Kennys shocked expression. "Come here."

         I leaned into his chest and sniffled ever so often. "Whats wrong?" he whispered into my hat. I shrugged and played with his hand.

         He nodded and took off my hat to play with my hair. I felt myself drifting off. "thank you" I whispered to kenny as I fell asleep.

sry for being gone so long :P

465 words

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