company - fluff

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ok so basiculllyyy kyle is ig the alpha male in this situation befaude this oneshot was actually cryde (craig x clyde) but i just changed the names and sum words so if rhey dont act normal or the way i usuallly make themnscr just dont mijd it pls illnpost the og oneshot if tall want i think its really cute and i dont see enough cryde things oh yeah mb yhe story

Type: Fluff
Age: 15-16
Desc: Kyle falls in love with Kenny sweet sweet sweet kissy wissy mwa mwa.

Kyles POV

I found myself enjoying Kennys company a lot more. There was actually a lot of things I found myself doing. All ending with me wanting to kiss him.

1. Staring at him. or rather admiring

Kennys laughs filled the room as he fell back. I adore his laugh. He soon got up, his laughter slowly quieting. We were left in a comfortable silence. I took my time looking over his features. His hair looking far too soft right now. His eyes, blue, are so pretty. He had gotten a bit more skinny over the summer, but it only made him more cute. He has an adorable lost look on his face. I smiled softly as I continued to admire him. His head titled sideways slightly, like a lost puppy. I kinda want to kiss him.

2. Stalking his Instagram.

I bit my lip as I opened Instagram for the 10th time that day. I rewatched all of his stories. I don't know why I cared so much. I watched as Kenny danced wildly on the table. I felt myself smiling, watching as his happiness only grew in every video. I love like the way he's just so happy all the time. I reached the last video, In this one Kenny is screaming a song into the microphone. My smile only got bigger. I want to kiss him.

3. Loving his touch

Kennys eyes rolled in annoyance when he looked at his phone. "What?" I questioned, already knowing the answer. "I have to go home." I sighed and nodded. He started gathering his stuff while I watched. "Can you help??" He whined, popping his bottom lip out. "No." I scoffed and threw my pillow at him. He gasped, "Oh you motherFUCKER." He jumped on me and started hitting me with the pillow. I started to laugh while trying to get him off of me. Kenny soon falls over and we both just laugh. I sit up and turn around to face him. He sits up and jumps on me again. "Get off of me asshole." I grumbled trying to push him off. He didn't budge and just hugged me. I stopped trying to push him, my thoughts racing. I leaned into his touch the longer it went on. I took in a deep breath of his scent and smiled contently. He sadly pulled away and had a sad look on his face. I missed his warmth. He grabbed his bag and waved. "Bye kylie-wylie."I waved back, "Don't call me that, Bye." I really want to kiss him.

4. Staring at his lips

I hummed and nodded as Kenny drowned on about some new video game. I couldn't stop staring at his lips. They are so plump and pink. I zoned out thinking about what it would be like kissing him. Feeling those lips all over my body. My name being moa- "Kyle !! Are you even listening to me right now or is my beauty distracting you!?" He whined, lifting his eyebrows. I flipped him off, "Yes. Because I tooootally have a boner because of your "Beauty" keep talking about this stupid game." He gasped dramatically. He slapped my chest. "How DARE you jersey boy!." He yelled in an horrible english lady accent. I snickered as he went on with his rant. I looked all over his face once again landing on his lips. I leaned my head on my hand, just admiring him. I really really want to kiss him.

5. Cuddling. yes, i said it.

I stopped watching the movie a while ago, focused on the body pressed against me. I started playing with his hair and he hummed. My leftover hand was interlinked with his. Him in between my legs, laying his head on my chest. I don't know how we got here, but I like it. I smiled into his hair. I let go of his hair to pull him closer. He looked up at me through his eyelashes. I stared back, a small smile forming on my lips. He smiled back, staring back at me. "You're so pretty." I mumbled out. His face flushed and he mumbled out, "Don't get a boner over it geez." I chuckled and started playing with his hair again. I really fucking desperately want to kiss him.

6. Rewards?

Kenny was cuddled up against me while we played a game. I groaned as I lost again. "Okay, If i win again, I get a reward." I looked at him skeptically even though he couldn't see it. "What kind of reward?" I replied intertwining our hands again. "You'll see when I beat you again!" I sighed and agreed. The word, 'Defeat', was left in my face. Kenny smirked and  turned to face me. "So, do I get to get my reward now?" He asked holding his hands together in a pleading matter. I nodded slowly, expecting the worse. He grabbed my chin, and slowly leaned in to give me a kiss. I could feel my face flush as Kenny pulled away. I grabbed the back of his head and brought him in for another, this time a proper kiss. I hummed into the kiss, a smile making its way on to my face. Kenny broke the kiss, his face just as red as mine. "I like you a lot." Kenny blurted out, soon slapping his hand over his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh. Kennys face turned into one of confusion as my laughter died down. I smiled at him softly, "I like you too dumbass." His face immediately brightened and he tackled me into a hug, peppering kisses all over my face. "So does this mean that I'm your boyfriend and that you're my boyfriend and we can tell Stan and Butters and-" I cut him off with another kiss, this time deepening it. He started kissing back. I pulled away, and nodded. His face flushed up again, and his smile only got bigger. He hugged me tightly. "I've been waiting so long for this moment." Kenny mumbled into my chest. "Me too." He kissed me, I kissed him, and I want to kiss him again.

I hope you guys enjoyed after being starved for months 😍💪

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