late night texts - lemon p2

809 14 78

Type: Lemon
Age: 16-17
Desc: Kenny wants to go to Kyle's house.

im doing a format like this :

Me| fuck u bitch kys

Kyle| lmao

cus im lazy and dont wanna do left to right.

Kyle's POV

     I read all of his texts back to me as i rubbed my hand up and down. I really can't believe I got hard off of that. I contemplated sending him a picture. I tapped on his contact and texted him back after I came. "fuck. what am i doing?" I texted with him a little bit and he said he was gonna send Stan a screenshot. Okay? fucks that got to do with me. I clicked on snapchat and pressed on Kennys profile. A deep fear filled me as I pressed the photo button. He hasn't been on snap in months its fine.

          I took a picture of me with my dick in my hands a couple times before picking the perfect one. My flushed face in the back while my fist was on my dick, my dick still in view. I decided to send it. I felt like I was doing an OnlyFans, "what the actual fuck am i doing."I sent him a voice message of me moaning his name and whimpering. I closed my phone and finished off again.

Kenny's POV

I received a notification from Kyle on snapchat. What the hell? I thought he went to sleep. Whatever, any opportunity to talk to my bae. When i opened our chat his character popped away. He sent me a photo and a voice message. I opened the photo and gasped. He looks so... hot. I took a screenshot and saved the photo in chat.

          If that was the photo what was the voice message ? I listened to the message and it awakened something in me. I sent him a video of my hard-on and me taking it out. It was a good 8 inches. Heh. I pressed send. Fuck.. I started pumping up and down on my length, the pre-cum acting as lube. I sent him a voice message in which he could hear my gasps and grunts. He saved both of them in chat.

                                    my boo 👻

my boo 👻|thats so fucking hot.

Me| cum over

my boo 👻| its 3 am? we can just call

Me| oh ur a phone sex kinda guy?

my boo 👻| shut the fuck up and answer now

Me| okay finee

"ur so hot kenny, please" he whimpered

my strokes got closer as i praised him.

"kenny im coming over tomorrow." he moaned out.

"thats fine with me, baby."

he moaned loudly at the name and cummed.

"your such a good boy, kyle. such a good boy."

he whimpered and slowed his strokes making eye contact with the camera.

i showed him my dick and smirked as i moaned out his name just to tease him.

i came, "see you tommorow? i wanna fuck you."

he nodded desperately.

"bye daddy~" he said as he hung up. i was left with another hard-on and immense suprise. my mouth hung open as i stared at myself, where kyle used to be.

im gonna fuck the shit out of him.


lmfao not much work put into this oneee might make a part 3 with smut 😈 tehehehwhe anyways byeeeee hope you guys enjoyed. 😭
dont bash me foe what kyle did 🥰

569 words

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