rougher? - smut

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Type: smut
Age: 16
Desc: Kenny's flirting gets out of hand.


here ya go, you can read it first.

Kyle's POV

      Kenny has been.. really flirtatious lately. He's closer than usual, He always hugs me from behind. I get flustered from that, He has started to.. kiss me? On the cheek, forehead. He did try to kiss me on the.. lips, I swerved away though.. I think I saw a look of disappointment in his eyes?.



       I snap out my daze. "H-Huh yes Kenny?" I replied. "Have you even been listening?" He says coming closer ever so casually.

     I start getting nervous, "N-No I haven't. Can you r-repeat it again." I said. Kenny came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

        He bent his head down, and went closer to my ear. "I said.. Do you want to play video games with me?" I can't respond.. I can quite literally feel his bulge against my ass. "Y-Yeah"

    Fuck. An involuntary whine left my mouth. I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, hoping he didn't hear it. He slowly chuckled and moved away from me.

He sighed when he saw my shaken up form, Flustered, Breathing uneven, A want.. No a need in my eyes, and.. a bulge..

      He looked me up and down and he started smirking. My eyes widened knowing what I looked like. A helpless, horny Jew. My face somehow went redder as I saw his gaze darken.

"Someones.. excited, rather something?" Kenny said smirking. I opened my mouth to say something, anything. But nothing came out. (He did come out though) My gaze slowly traveled down to his hard-on, My mouth widened more.

       He was- IS HUGE. "Holy shit" I mumbled, him not missing it. Kenny hummed walking back to hug me from behind. Kenny's boner was pressing against my ass.

      I moved my hips slightly, making him let out a sharp gasp. He leaned down, his hot breath fanning on my neck. "Stop. Teasing" He said, moving his hand right on to my boner.

      My eyes widened significantly, A gasp fell out of my lips as he squeezed it. A breathy moan fell from my lips as he kept his hand over it. "Your so naughty, Kyle." He said with a slight snicker.

         I somehow flushed more and felt myself trying to hold back a whimper. "Can I take off your pants, Kyle?" The way he said my name made me whimper. "Yes! Yes.. Please."

      I felt the zipper of my jeans slowly go down. I whined as he somehow went slower pulling them down. He finally reached my boxers and he put his finger in my waistband, not quite pulling them down.

      He finally got from behind me and went down to his knees. I blushed furiously as I realized what he was going to do. He pulled down my boxers and smiled. He kissed my thighs and kitten licked the tip. I gripped his hair as he slowly took me in.

      I gasped at the sight. If someone would've told me 5 years ago, Kenny would be on his knees for me.. I would've believed it. I wa- am a gullible kid. I was snatched from my thoughts as Kenny started blowing me. "HOOoOly Fuu-CKK"

      I pulled Kennys hair as he hollowed out his cheeks. He moaned at the hair pulling and I was in pure ecstasy. I sat down on the bed as I neared closer. I came with a loud moan, and Kenny came off with a 'pop'. "You are quite the vocal one."

      He said as he teased me. I flushed as I pulled up my pants. He chuckled before saying he liked me for a while. I blushed and fawned as he confessed to me. "I like you too!" I exclaimed.

    c "Will you be my boyfriend?" I nodded happily. "Glad your my boyfriend, I would love to do that again.. But something different next time?"

   He said with suggestive eyebrows as he did the "👉👌" motion. I stared at him with a grimace before agreeing.

thats the end i guess i kinda enjoyed writing this lol. lmk if u liked it ^^

706 words

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