please, don't. - angst

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Ages: 17
Type: Angst
Desc: Kenny is depressed and tries to commites suic1de


Kennys POV

I hate my stupid fucking life. I'm poor, I'm depressed, Kyle doesn't like me back.. Tears started flowing down my face before I knew it. Harsh sobs came out of my mouth making my body shake. I curled up in my small blanket, crying to myself hoping it would all end.

Kyles POV

Kenny has been acting weird these last fe- "KAHLL, WE ARE LOSING GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME, STOOPID JOO!!!" The fatass yelled. "SHUT UP FATASS!" I yelled back already getting annoyed. I don't even know why I'm 'friends' with him. Oh right, I was thinking about Kenny..I pull my phone out my pocket, going on the messages app.

  🍊 KENNY 🍊

Hey dude! Was just wondering if your alright?
Delivered 4:15 pm

I frowned putting my phone down. "WHATS GOT YOU SO UPSET KAHL, I KNOW I AM BECAUSE YOU WONT MAKE YOURSELF USEFULLY STUPID JOO!!" Cart-man yelled in my face. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP CARTMAN , NOBODY FUCKING LIKES YOU!" I yell back picking up my jacket and phone about to leave. I open the door and slam it, hearing the screams and whines of cartman only made my head hurt worse.

Kennys POV

"I don't even deserve to live.. I can't even be a good brother to Karen." I said sobbing uncontrollably. I grabbed my beloved razor..


I looked down, already feeling dizzy. I quickly got up, sobbing looking at myself in the mirror. I smashed it glass going everywhere. I open the cabinet, seeing anxiety meds, That didn't even fucking work. "This will end f-fucking e-everything." I put the remaining 26 pills in my mouth and swallowed. Shit.

Kyles POV


"Why is nobody answering?" I mumbled. I tried the knob, seeing it was unlocked. "Kenny?!" I yelled. I walked around seeing rats scurry across the floor. Yugh. "KENNY?!" I smelled something foul odor coming from the bathroom. I quickly grabbed a spoon, Yes a spoon. I turned the corner, "Kenny!!?" I then heard a thud. Holy shit. Tears starting flowing down from my eyes like waterfalls. "KENNY?! WAKE UP PLEASE!!" I quickly noticed glass and blood everywhere. I grasped my phone and called 911, hoping they would be quick. "Hello? PLEASE HELP MY FREIND JUST TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE, WE ARE ON CARTMAN ISN'T FAT HE IS BIG BONED STREET!!" I quickly yelled, tears streaming down my face..

I'm gonna make a part two because im lazy 🙀

Lmk what I can do to improve and lmk if you liked it.

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