brat - smut

328 2 32

Type: Smut
Age: 19-20
Desc: Kyle gets top privileges

so basicully this story is if kenny is a spoiled brat a nd likes getting fucked in the butt

I smiled cheekily as he boasted on about his ability to succeed in likely anything. It wasn't an annoying kind, just the kind to make me wonder what I did wrong in life.

I laughed as he talked about his successes in school, jobs, friends, etc.. If I could get past his bragging, he is charming. He had that stupid parka on all evening.

I craved to make him cry, squirm, moan, scream. He soon would be put in his place, like the little spoiled entitled brat he was. I only smiled harder as I thought about it.


Tears rolled down his cheeks as he begged. I stroked up and down his shaft, his tip dripping with pre-cum.

A smile grew on my face as I laughed and degraded him. I shushed him, inserting my cock once again.

He whimpered and squirmed, his begs and pants filling up the room. I bottomed out, grabbing his hips.

I kissed him on his forehead, his cries only getting more desperate. I shushed him again, and started moving.

I smiled big as I talked down on him, how I fucking loved ruining him. My thrusts fastened, releasing a loud moan from the man below. A mixture of, harder, and ,faster, were all I heard. So I complied.

I heard his moans getting more frequent. He cried as I spat insults and names at him. I gripped his hips, hitting deeper. His broken hoarse screams filled the house.

I chuckled, "If only your friends could see what a fuckin' slut you are. How you crumble below me so fast. You're a whore for my cock, hmm?" He nodded, whines leaving his mouth as his eyes rolled back.

He looked so pretty. Tears and spit dribbled down his face. His face flushed a permanent red, hands gripped onto the sheets. His back arched as thick ropes of cum shot out of him.

hope u liked it another one outttt

356 words 🤬😈🤗

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