tease - smut

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Type: Smut
Age: 17-18
Desc: Kenny is a horny little shit and teases Kyle all week. On Sunday shit goes down...

the pov is kind of weird its like kennys pov but its not in like "i did this" format i dont rlly know.

ok guys i looked it up its it kennys pov but in third person.


Kyle was just talking to Stan when he came up behind him. "Yeah I love him he fucks me sooo go- WHAT THE FUC-" Kyle screamed scrambling away from the person.

    Kenny howled with laughter and Stan walked away, already annoyed by Kyle's talk of his boyfriend.

      Kyle walks away grumbling curses, when he grabs his waist. (keep in mind they are walking to the bus stop.)

          "We are in public!!" Kyle yelled in a hushed tone. He only smirked, and dragged Kyle to the back of the closest house.

         Pinning him against the wall he looked for any discomfort.

        Not finding any he leaned in. He kissed him passionately and hard. "f-fuck.. kenny." Kyle moaned into the kiss.

        He pulled away and tapped his thigh, signaling for him to jump.

        Kyle jumped and he caught him, trapping his hands above him.

             Kyle looked at him, lust was in his eyes and his face was red. Kenny smirked and let him go, letting him stand on his feet.

       "W-wait, where are you g-going?" Kyle asked, a distraught look on his face.

         "To the bus?" He replied slapping Kyle's ass then running away. "What the fuck??" He whined and followed him.


"Kyle with how amazing your sex life sounds right now, I don't want to talk about how much you fuck Kenny." Stan shot Kyle a deadpan look and walked off to class.

Kyle finally caught up to him, "Your just mad Wendy won't fuck you." He joked. Stan flipped him the bird and walked into his class.

Kyle smiled to himself in victory before he was slammed into the janitors closet. A hand went over his mouth before he could react.

Kenny turned the light on and Kyle wasn't nervous anymore. He slowly removed his hand and put it on Kyles waist.

He leaned into Kyle and pressed their lips together firmly. He added tongue into the kiss and brought his other hand to cup Kyle's cheek.

The kiss got sloppy as Kyle was gripping on to anything he could find. Kennys hand managed to find the hem of Kyles shirt and it explored.

His hand found its way to Kyles ass and he squeezed before slapping it. He yelped breaking the kiss. Kenny went down to his neck, sucking and licking anywhere he could reach.

Kyle threw his head back to give him more access. He made quite a few marks and kissed each and every one of them. Kenny then held Kyle up grabbing his thighs.

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