angel - angst

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Type: AngstAge: 16-17Desc: Cartman ends up going too far and some deep shit happens

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Type: Angst
Age: 16-17
Desc: Cartman ends up going too far and some deep shit happens..


Kennys POV

It was just a normal day in South Park, Cartman and Kyle were arguing, I was staring at Kyle with lovey dovey eyes, and Stan. Stan.. isn't here. I looked back over to Kyle and see they are still arguing.






      The table went silent. I looked over to Kyle and he was balling his fists while holding back tears. "JEEZ KAHL DON'T TAKE IT SO PERSONAL!! OMG GUESS WHAT I JUST THOUGHT OF!! YOUR BROTHER TOOK IT PERSONAL WHEN HE GOT SHOT!!! SO PERSONALLY HE DIED!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Cartman yelled. Kyle got up and ran away.

     "What the fuck dude..." I stared at him in disappointment. He just laughed. The rest of the day went on and Kyle was gone, like he was never here. I texted him a couple times asking if he was okay but he never even read them. My nerves got worse towards the end of the day.

Kyles POV

     I sat on my bed clutching my arms while tears streamed down my face. I grabbed my face and smushed my ears. My phone pinged several times so I picked it up. I looked at the screen and I wanted to throw up.

     Cartman posted a photo of my hunched over, my stomach really popping out. I sobbed as i grabbed my stomach. I stumbled over to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I only sobbed more as i saw my reflection.

     My chubby cheeks, my stomach was flowing out of my shorts and my arms.. My Arms. My fat, chunky arms I reached out and pinched the fat. "im so fat, im so fat!". The sight made me cry out. I smashed the mirror not wanting to see anymore. Tiny pieces of glass flew everywhere.

    I picked one up and admired the red blood going down my hands. It looked so beautiful.. I picked up a shard and slide it across my skin. It felt so nice and the blood.. I deserved to be tainted. I wanted to be beautiful, The only way to be beautiful is to cut, get more of the red beautiful blood.

    I slide the glass more frantically against my skin, My mouth going into a grin. I spread the blood all over my arms. I looked in the mirror and I only got fatter.. "I need to not eat! Go on a diet.." I mumbled washing my wrists. Sad to see the beauty go.

     By now I was done crying and I went to go sleep in my bed. I woke up the next morning and was unhappy to feel the pain of my cuts.. But remembered the beauty it gave me! But still.. I walked downstairs and my mom had cooked breakfast. "Uhm.. Kyle!! Breakfast.." My mom awkwardly yelled. Cartman was right..

     "I-Im not hungry." She jumped and sighed. "Okay, go to the bus quickly now." I nodded and said, "I love you" She nodded and waved me off. I felt tears prickling my eyes again. It was soon lunch time and I was in the bathroom trying to puke up the ritz crackers I just ate.

    I gagged more at the taste and flushed the toilet sitting by it. I sighed and looked at my legs. When did they get so.. big? I gripped at them, seeing them jiggle even under my jeans forced out a cry. I sat by the toilet crying my eyes out. 1 more meal to go.. I weakly sat by my seat on the bus.

    I could barely keep my eyes open. I got up at my stop and nearly fell over. I managed to get out , Kenny following close behind me. I blinked and fell forward. "WOAH! Kyle what happened. I mumbled out incoherent words and thoughts while my head spun. I cant breathe? I cant breathe. I Cant Breathe. "I.. Can-Cant BREF" I huffed out.

   His eyes widened and he pulled out his phone, dialing 911. I touched my face and realized I was crying. How long have I been crying? I felt my chubby cheek and grimaced. A few seconds later, I heard sirens. My eyes felt very heavy. I could hear Kenny yelling at me to open my eyes but it was so comfy.. So calm.. So cold? So empty..? So lonely.. But i'm so comfy.

Kennys POV

I was awoken to doctors yelling and shaking me awake. I heard his line stop beeping and then i realized.. I started crying. "Why, Kyle.." I sat there for hours.. And Hours.. And Hours.. Until I couldn't anymore. They had to take him away. Bull fucking shit. I screamed and cried. His mother didn't even visit her son. I sobbed for days on end, not being able to get up from my bed. It hurt so bad. I couldn't even move.

Lmk if yall want me to continue this i dont rlly like it but i tried my best.

874 words

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