why? - angst

647 16 70

Type: Angst
Age: 16
Desc: Kenny see's Kyle and Stan, and wishes it was him.


Kenny's POV

I watched as they hugged each other, staring at the other lovingly. I wish that was us. I looked over at Cartman, he was the only one who knew of my crush. He gave me a sad look, knowing how hard I tried to get kyle to like me back. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched them, jealousy filling my heart.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, I managed to keep the tears in until I got into the bathroom. Sobs left my mouth as I went into a stall and locked it. I wiped at my eyes wanting the tears to go away. The bathroom door opened and I put my hand over my mouth, stifling the sobs. "Kenny? Are you in here?" Kyles voice rang. My eyes widened, frozen still. He continued to call for me, before stopping at my stall. "I know your in there, I see your shoes."

I shook my head and a choked out sob came out. He gasped, Instantly knowing it was me. Sobs instantly poured out of my mouth, I didn't bother to cover my mouth anymore. I hugged my knees and thought of how much Kyle loved Stan. My breaths got shorter as I thought deeper into it. About how he would never love me like I love him. He loves Stan. Stan. Stan. STAN. I punched at the stall, harsh sobs coming out my mouth. Kyle finally got in, I pushed him out of the way.

He grabbed my arm, I flinched away. "Kenny? What the fuck is wrong?" I shook and took in quick short breaths. I can't breathe. I CAN'T BREATHE. I slowly slid down the wall, accepting my fate. Kyle understood and took my hand. "Hey, Hey! Listen to me. Name 5 things you see right now." I nodded, "T-the toilet, you, the sink, the tiles" I said feeling my breathe come back slowly. "Okay one more" He said softly. "S-Stan" I said, my breaths going back to being quick. "G-Get out!" Kyle said, now knowing Stan was the problem.

Stan confusedly left, "Name 3 more things, Please" He said in that desperate tone I love. "T-the mirror, the urinal a-and.." Kyle shook my hand, "A-And?!" I shook my head, dozing off. "D-darkness...?" I said before everything went completely black.
"why didn't you tell me kenny?"
"i liked you back, before stan."
"i wish you would come back."
"why didn't you tell me how much pain you were in?"
"i love you kenny."
i love you too, kyle.

Shittt this got me in tears. I hoped you all liked it and tell me how to improve. 🤩

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