tease - smut p2

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Type: Smut
Age: 17-18
Desc: Kenny is a horny little shit and teases Kyle all week. On Sunday shit goes down...

Kyles POV

Tears fell down my cheeks as Kenny edged me on the 5th time. "please kenny, please!" I cried out. He hummed at my words and brought me to my knees, I stroked up and down while keeping eye contact.

I kitten licked the tip, and went down to the base. I took him in my mouth and hollowed out my cheeks, slobber drippling down his thighs. I choked and cried on his dick as he forced me down deeper.

I tapped his thigh, letting him know I needed to breathe. "You look so pretty like this, wish I could relive this moment forever. I love when your on your knees and crying for me." I whimpered at his words.

I was going to take him back in my mouth, but he stopped me. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. I looked at him confused, wiping the tears from my eyes.

He rummaged in his bag for something, he pulled out something small. I realized what it was and gasped. Kenny walked up to me. "Do you have any lube, Sweetheart?"

I fawned and blushed over the nickname, and pointed to a drawer. He gasped as he pulled it out, "What a well loved bottle.." I flushed as he showed me. He put some on his fingers and circled my hole before pushing a finger in.

He put in a second, and a third. Then put the object in. It was very cold. I moaned at the sensation, gripping at the sheets when it went in further. Tears pricked at my eyes again as it turned on.

I moaned uncontrollably as it was vibrating against my prostate. I felt tears fall down my cheeks, my toes curled and my legs started shaking as I neared closer to my release.

All of a sudden the pleasure stopped and I started sobbing. "please. please, please, kenny. please, just fuck me, fuck, me, please., cum, fuck" i babbled out and begged. Kenny looked at me and shrugged. "I don't know, should I?"

I nodded desperately. "i-i waited a-all week, i deserve it, i d-didn't- fuck.. i d-didn't touch myself, or- f-fuck.. cum or anything!" i cried out. He hummed and took out the vibrator, "Condom?" I shook my head, no.

He nodded and put lube on his dick. He lined up his tip, then looked up at me. I nodded and moaned loudly when he pushed in. He bottomed out soon after, I scratched at his back as the pain went away, "y-you can move."

He started pounding into me and I saw stars, "Your such a dirty slut, I bet you would've let me fuck you on the bus with all those people." But the worst part is, I would.

I moaned uncontrollably as my body went limp, I babbled on that I was coming. My eyes rolled back as I came, Kennys thrusts slowed as he was growing closer. I sobbed as the pleasure was great. He came in me and stopped thrusting.

I sighed and smiled at him. The look in his eyes told me we weren't done yet. He started thrusting faster again. I started moaning and gasping, whimpers too. "Don't cum until I tell you to."

He demanded between groans and gasps. He leaned in towards my neck and left many marks. I whimpered as he bit licked and sucked on my neck. He brought his hand down and started slowly stroking my dick, his thumb going over my slit every so often.

My legs started shaking as his other hand played with my nipples. My moans got louder and all the pleasure stopped. I opened my eyes and Kenny had a cheeky grin on his face.

  "Beg. Beg to finish." I whined and cried and begged on for him to let me finish. He eventually agreed, He started pounding into me again and stroking me. I cried out as whispered small praises into my ear. "i-i'm gonna cum!"

He hummed and went faster, hitting my prostate every time. My moans got sluttish and loud as I came again. Kennys thrusts did not slow and I started sobbing from overstimulation.

His thrusts slowed as he came again. I sobbed out and babbled as he pulled out. He caressed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back and blushed. He picked me up and started the shower, luckily I could still stand up.

I washed my body with the loofa when suddenly I was pinned against the wall. "Who's the horndog now?" I teased. He rolled his eyes and dropped to his knees, I gasped when he took me fully.

He hollowed out his cheeks and moaned. It created vibrations and it felt amazing. I moaned and gasped out, my hands finding his hair. I tugged and he moaned and looked up at me. I wish I could relive this sight, over and over.

Kennys plump lips taking my length, My hands gripping his hair, His eyes desperate. I thrust into his mouth and came. "Fuck you are so hot.." I mumbled as he got up. He snicked and finished washing himself.

We got out and he was staring at my ass. I pretended to drop my hair brush and my towel fell as I bent down. "I bet you did that on purpose, slut." I did. I stared at myself in the mirror with Kenny behind me staring with immense hunger.

Before I could ask, he brought his face down to my ass. He started plunging his tongue in and out and I moaned out, gripping the counter. I stared at my reflection, I made lewd faces as Kenny added a finger and started pumping it in and out.

His tongue somehow got deeper and my eyes widened as I came. I breathed hard as Kenny backed away. "Thats new." Kenny nodded and laughed. I turned around and kissed him hard. I grabbed his face and he grabbed my waist. I dragged him back to my bedroom. Oh what a night of fun we had.

Bonus :

Kenny cried as I thrusted against his prostate, abusing his hole. My hands were occupied playing with his nipples. I leaned down and started to suck and kiss on his neck, his moans got higher pitched as I bit this particular spot. I sucked a darkish purple spot there and thrusted harder, I grabbed his hips and abused his prostate. "k-kye!! plsplsplspls, fuc-fhdjd" Kenny babbled on. I whispered praises into his ears and kissed him. My thrusts got sloppy as I grew closer, Kennys moans got louder. I sat for a moment after I came and pulled out. "r-round 10?" I nodded happily, climbing atop of Kenny.


1160 words.

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