horse riding? - lemon

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Type: Lemon
Age: 17
Desc: Kenny wants to play a game called horse riding. Kenny is the horse, guess who is riding? (lolz)


Kenny's POV

I'm so horny.. None of these playboys are doing anything. Usually I open it and up it goes, but these last couple of weeks have been different. I don't get horny off of boobs anymore. I've tried fucking 5 girls, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. No satisfaction at all. Maybe I'm more gay than I thought.. I pulled a out my iPhone (8) and searched up, something a bit different then what I usually search. "gay porn" (HELP I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING) I looked down at the website, seeing him grow already. Maybe I'm more gay than I thought. I listened to the moans of the male on the screen, growing harder. Its something about it that just makes it better. (im so sorry guys im cringing)

I started palming my boner, listening to the moans mixed with mine. I wonder what Kyle's would sound like. I quickly stopped the video. My face got warmer at the thought. I started pulling my boxers down releasing my boner.(im literally so sorry) I stroked it as I thought about what Kyle would sound like, look like. Fuckk, He looks like he would be submissive. His plump thighs, littered with hickies, his lips plump. His eyes begging for me to fuck the shit out of him, his whimpering. I moaned out loudly as I came. I cleaned myself up, thinking about how that was the best beating of my meat ever. (I HAD TO LMAO)

A few minutes later I got a knock at my door. I sprayed ferbreeze, In fear it was Karen. It was Kyle, I saw his hat peek in the door. "Hey kenny! Whats up?" He said. My face grew red as I remembered what I did a few minutes ago. "H-Hey Kyle! Nothing much, Just watching youtube?" I said quickly. Kyle shrugged and sat next to me, making a disgusted face when he saw the rag on the floor. My face grew 10 times darker when his went a light pink. Realizing what was on the rag, I scrambled up throwing it away. "K-kenny.. What was on that rag.? Do I even want to know" He said looking up at me with his mouth open in shock. (mouth open for deez nu-) I shook my head refusing to answer. My face quickly brightened up. "Kyle! Lets play a game!!" I said changing the subject.

"What game?" He said instantly getting a smile on his face. "Horse riding" I smirked devilishly. He got a confused look on his face, "What is that?" Kenny sighed getting ready to explain. "Do I have your full consent before I do anything?" Kyle quickly nodded, eager to see what this 'new game' was. "I'm going to demonstrate it, while explaining it okay?" I said looking him in the eyes making sure it was okay. No hint of uncomfortable-ness showed in his eyes so I continued.

I grabbed his hips and put him on my lap. "I am the horse, and you are the.." Before I could finish, Kyle's face instantly got red. "A-Are you sure this is a real game, Kenny?" He said getting redder by the second. I only nodded. I looked into his eyes, " Do you want to play?" He quickly nodded. I smirked, pulling off my shirt. He stared intensely at my chest, Seeming stuck in a trance. I got him out of it, by rolling my hips into his. I moaned softly, Making his face turn as red as his hair. He grabbed his hat and covered his face.

I tugged at his pants, hinting at him to take them off. He obeyed me and took them off, leaving him in his boxers and his shirt. I took his shirt off, studying his chest taking a mental note to mark it up later. I took my own shorts off, leaving me only in my boxers. Kyle climbed back on my lap, feeling my hard-on. I harshly rolled my hips into his, letting out a loud moan.

He bit his lip, not letting me hear his noises. I turned my body, getting the lube out of my drawer. I pulled Kyle's boxers down, while looking at him for any discomfort. He only bit his lip, looking at me with those hot bothered eyes, practically begging to be fucked. But alas (ughhh i dont wanna use alas) I had something to do. I pulled them all the way down, his boner popping up on his chest.

I lifted him up and turned him around. Putting his ass up in the air, I squirted lube on my hands and put 1 finger in. I watched him squirm and moan. I soon added 3 fingers, deciding that is enough I pulled them all out. He softly whined at the loss of pleasure. I pulled down my own boxers, squirting lube on my cock.(EWWWW) I turned him back around, making him face me. I want to see all the faces he makes. He slowly sinked down on my cock.


Hope you all enjoyed and tell me what to do to improve!
891 words

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