scene - lemon

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this oneshot is based off the art & the art isn't mine 🥰
@applefriiter on tiktok

Type: Lemon
Age: 16-17
Desc: Kenny gets woo'ed by Kyles scene style.

Kennys POV

I sat at my desk with my head down, leg bouncing ever so often. I didn't take the bus today because I fucked up yesterday. I accidentally called Stan a fag and I haven't come out yet. Oops. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, realizing calling him a ..fag costs all of my friendships. My head slightly tilted up at the familiar laugh I heard. It was Kyle, except he was dressed differently.

Very different.. and it was hot. I covered my eyes again and my face flushed. Was this change because of me? I suddenly felt very sick, since Mr. Garrison wasn't here yet I just ran out. Hands covered over my mouth I finally made it to the bathroom, hurling up the half pop-tart I ate. I wiped my mouth and stood up before collapsing back down. "Holy shit, whats wrong with me?" I said voice trembling. (ur experiencing effects of being GAY)

I hurriedly stood up and washed my hands. They were shaking, I looked at my face in the mirror and it was pale but very red. The bathroom door opened and I stood frozen. Still trying to process what was happening a voice broke my daze, "Soo, Your not gonna apologize?" I turned my head to the voice. My eyes widened and my breath quickened.

Kyle stood there, with a pissed look on his face but there was a hint of something in his eyes. My whole body began shaking, I don't know whats wrong. I'm so embarrassed. A whimper left my lips, I stared at him, shock present in my eyes. He got closer, way closer. He pinned me against the wall, My face got 5 times redder. "Say sorry." He threatened very close to my ear. I mumbled out an apology as I tried to get out of his grip.

But whoop-dee-fucking-doo, My mind just had to make false imaginations of this situation. I was getting a boner in the worst possible place. My face flushed and I felt hotter. I completely stopped thrashing around. Kyles gaze piercing into mine. He got closer and whispered in my ear, "Your so cute like this." He leaned back and smirked.

I gasped feeling myself get harder. He leaned in closer to my lips, not quite kissing me. My eyes darted my his lips to his eyes, waiting for his next move. He looked at me and maintained eye contact as he opened his mouth and exposed his tongue piercing. I audibly whimpered. He caressed my cheek, getting ever so close. He grinned and slapped my ass before running out. "WHO'S THE FAG NOW?" I fell down touching my cheek where he once caressed it. I let a out a sigh of frustration.
Fuck you, Kyle.

Uhh yeah Idk where I was going with that 💀.

Let me know what I need to improve and if you liked it.

518 words.

k2 oneshots, kenny x kyleWhere stories live. Discover now