Chapter 4

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It only takes around three days, a lot of last minute cramming and a concerning amount of coffee for Y/n (and even Lisa) to completely forget about the "incident" as they now call it. Y/n is thankful because it means she can stop spasming out in public whenever she gets a physical cringe attack because of all the things she said and did that night.


Exams come around and Y/n can’t think about anything else but the material she’s been trying to memorize over the past few weeks.

Lisa and her barely see each other over the entire week but they send each other supportive text messages, or in Lisa’s case, stupid selfies that manage to get Y/n through the stressful days.

And then, on Friday, Y/n walks out of the university building feeling like a ton of bricks have been lifted from her chest because that was her last exam for the semester.

She could seriously start crying from relief but she might be too tired even for that.

Y/n checks her phone after sitting down in the bus, on her way home.


From: Clingy Lisa

> i’m picking u up at nine (✿◠‿◠)

To: Clingy Lisa

why <

From: Clingy Lisa

> we’re going out!

> pls wear something nice for once (¬_¬)

Y/n honestly would rather go home and watch a movie and then sleep for two days straight since her boss was kind enough to give her the next day off, but Y/n has yet to win an argument against Lisa in their years of friendship, so she just frowns to herself in self-pity and plugs in her earphones for the rest of the ride.

She spends the twenty minutes it takes to get home trying to figure out if she even owns clothes that could be considered nice.


After taking a shower she makes herself some instant noodles and watches the news while she eats them on her couch, dressed in nothing but a damp towel around her hips and a sports bra. Her mom would probably disown her if she saw her like that.

She gets a text from Chaeyoung (they made up pretty quickly after their fight at Lisa’s party; Chaeyoung doesn’t hold grudges and Y/n always means it when she texts her to apologize for being a bad sister) telling her that she should keep her schedule free for next Saturday and before Y/n can even question what her brother means her mom is calling her.


"Hello sweetheart. Are your exams over?"

"Yeah. Finished my last one about an hour ago."

"Did it go well?"

"Uh, yeah. I think so."

"Well, don't worry. I'm sure it went fine!" Y/n can hear that her mom is smiling and she slowly puts the bowl of noodles down, licking some spice from her lips. She doesn't feel hungry anymore. Y/n really misses her mom. "Are you going out to celebrate tonight?"

"I’m going out with Lisa and some friends."

"That’s great. Be careful, okay? Don’t drink too much. And tell Lis hi for me, will you?"

"I will, mom.“ She smiles to herself. "Are you doing fine? You’re not sick or anything, are you?" She doesn't ask what's really on her mind, scared that it might somehow trigger bad emotions inside her. She gets her information about her mom's mental state from Chaeyoung most of the time anyway. But that's... an entirely different story.

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