Chapter 36

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Y/n ignores her phone the next day. She ignores everything. Maybe she’s in a state of shock or panic but it feels like anything she touches might break, so she doesn’t.

She couldn’t sleep the whole night, Roseanne’s words haunting her and making her toss around on the couch restlessly.

She goes to the bookstore where she went with Sana and gets some writing done and without noticing, ends up writing down the exact words Roseanne said yesterday. She deletes them with shaky hands but the words are still there, floating in her mind, piercing through her chest.

By the time she gets home it’s dark outside.

There’s a shadow in front of the apartment and despite wearing the glasses Sana gave her, she can’t make out the person until she’s standing on the path leading straight to the entrance.

It’s Sana.

She’s sitting on the steps with her head hanging low between her shoulders.

Y/n stops walking, freezes a little at the sight of the person she didn’t want to see at all today.

Because this is it.

Y/n can feel where this is going and that’s what she was avoiding, what she’s been trying to delay the entire day.

But Sana is here, and there’s nowhere to run, so Y/n grips the straps of her bag tighter until her knuckles have turned white and starts approaching her.

Sana’s head snaps up at the sound of her footsteps and her eyes are a storm; relief washes through them once she meets Y/n’s eyes, but it’s quickly replaced by an emotion Y/n’s never seen there before.

“What are you doing here?” Y/n asks when Sana doesn’t do anything but stare at her. She looks exhausted, like she didn’t sleep at all last night. Her hair is wild and lips bitten red and raw.

“I tried to call you the entire day.” Sana says. Her voice cracks and Y/n can’t help but wonder how long Sana has been waiting for her here.

“I left my phone at home.”

Sana looks so damn tired when she nods her head in something that looks to be resignation, or maybe disappointment. She slowly gets up and walks towards Y/n until she’s only an arm’s width away from her. Her hairs are casting shadows over her face and the bright orange from the street lamp a few feet next to them turns Sana’s features into that of a stranger. “We need to talk.”

“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” Y/n tries. She sounds pathetic even to her own ears.

“I’ve waited two hours for you.” Sana’s gaze is heavy on her and Y/n can’t decide which is more suffocating; Sana’s eyes or the warm, humid air around them.

Sana’s been waiting for so much longer than just two hours, though. She’s been waiting all this time, patient and understanding, but her patience must’ve finally run out.

And Y/n suddenly can’t focus on anything but the things Roseanne said yesterday night.

It’s like she’s being thrown back into her childhood, to a lot of shouting and finger pointing for all the things Y/n did, and for all the trouble she used to cause.

She thought maybe it had changed, but apparently not.

She still causes harm and she still hurts other people.

Y/n should’ve never, ever given in to Sana’s advances.

“Y/n, look at me.” Sana sounds pained and exhausted. Her face is a proper reflection of her emotions. Y/n did that. Y/n is fucking things up again. “You’ve been ignoring me the whole day—”

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