Chapter 29

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Y/n can’t really explain what happens after Jihyo picks up the phone.

You know when you fill a cup up to the brim with water, how it doesn’t spill over despite the surface of the water rising above the rim of the cup? And then you try to see how much more it can take and let some more water drip into it, and you think it’s going to spill over any minute now but it still manages to stay together?

Y/n feels like she’s on the brim of spilling over.

Jihyo is out with some friends when she tells Y/n that she’ll meet her, and Y/n tries to protest at first, but Jihyo hangs up and ten minutes later, she arrives at the park Y/n has agreed on waiting for her.

“You look horrible.” Jihyo sits down next to her on the cold, rusty roundabout, and it creaks like it’s letting out a painful grunt.

“I’m sorry for calling you.” Y/n’s voice cracks a bit. “I freaked out.”

“It’s fine. Suga was getting on my nerves anyway.” Jihyo suddenly pulls a cigarette out of her jacket’s pocket.

“You smoke?” Y/n watches her place it between her lips and puff out some smoke after lighting it, not even trying to hide the judgement in her voice.

Jihyo turns her head away so the smoke doesn’t hit Y/n in the face. “When I’m stressed.”

“What’s stressing you?”

“Things,” Jihyo answers, and that’s all she says, like she doesn’t want to elaborate.

Y/n looks away from her and at the empty playground instead.

It looks almost eerie this way, empty in the middle of the night, and if Y/n tries really hard, she can almost hear the laughter of the children that usually come to play here.

There’s absolutely nothing she misses about her childhood, except for being a child.

No matter what was happening around her, she was careless back then.

Everything always seemed like it was going to be okay.

“Is it Nayeon?”

Jihyo doesn’t answer immediately, and simply says “I’m over Nayeon.”

Y/n doesn’t believe her one bit, because there’s a flash of something on Jihyo’s face, like pain, and Y/n has never seen that look on her before. “Are you sure?”

She gives Y/n a curt nod and something about the air she gives off tells Y/n that it’s best to drop the issue.

That doesn’t mean Y/n isn’t curious or worried about it, but she respects Jihyo enough not to press the subject.

They sit in silence until the cigarette in Jihyo’s hand is nearly burned down to the filter. Jihyo drops it on the floor and stubs it out with her heel before turning to face Y/n.

“Alright. Tell me what happened.”

“I don’t want to cry about my problems to you.” Y/n shakes her head. “I think I just… I just wanted to hear your voice.”

Jihyo’s eyes widen. “Woah, hey there-“

“Not like that!” Y/n interrupts with a groan. “When I talk to you I’m more… calm. I can think a lot clearer.”

“Okay. I’m flattered.” Jihyo fully turns around and leans her back against the metal bar that acts as a hand-hold for little kids when the roundabout spins. It also creaks, and Y/n thinks this whole playground looks like it could break apart any second. “But you’ve been doing fine. So what was that whole I’m leading Sana on-thing about? Did she say something to you?”

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