Chapter 15

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The bruises start to fade little by little, Y/n sets things straight with Chaeyoung again and three days later, the fight and police station incident are nearly forgotten about.

Things go back to normal; school, work, stressing over deadlines and exams, worrying about her mom, having her dad worry over Chaeyoung’s wellbeing. Repeat.


It’s been a few days, and Y/n is avoiding Sana. She is; there is no sense in denying that.

She’s going out of her way not to come face to face with her, always checking with Chaeyoung if Sana has left before she comes back home from work or the library.

It’s wrong. Y/n knows that. It’s wrong, it’s childish, and it’s a coward move and most of all, it’s not fair towards Sana.

The tiles of the kitchen floor feel cold against the flimsy material of her shirt, and she just kind of blankly stares at the ceiling, wondering how they managed to get cookie dough stuck up there.

“What’re you thinking about?” Lisa yawns next to her.

Y/n closes her eyes. Maybe it’ll change the reality of the whole situation.

This reality, in which her good for nothing heart – for the first time in her twenty-two years of existence – seems to be starting to grow fond of another person.

It didn’t quite hit Y/n until that night, when Sana came over to her apartment just to check up on Y/n, and how she kind of prevented Y/n from physically falling apart by holding her before she— before she said what she said.

Y/n didn’t respond. She didn’t know what to say and even if she would’ve opened her mouth to give an answer (which was the only right thing to do) she doubts it would’ve been anything good.

Because as soon as Sana spoke out those words Y/n’s been dreading to hear, her anxiety just completely blew up.

She felt the need to push Sana away but at the same time she wanted to pull her closer and Y/n is starting to wonder how conflicted one’s mind can be before you kind of start going crazy.

And Sana… she simply took Y/n’s hand and made her sit down on the couch. She didn’t demand an answer, didn’t want any kind of response from Y/n. She turned on the TV and waited until Y/n dozed off on her shoulder, just like she said she would.

She was gone by the time Y/n woke up again the next morning, a blanket thrown over her form and her glasses neatly placed on the coffee table. Y/n couldn’t get rid of the tight feeling in her chest for the rest of the day, couldn’t stop staring at her phone to check the lack of messages there.

So it kind of feels like Y/n isn’t the only one doing the avoiding in this entire scenario.

“Let me guess,” Lisa speaks up after a beat. “It starts with an S and ends with an A.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Date her.”


“Date her. She likes you. You like her. Date. Her.”

Y/n sighs and opens her eyes again, the smell of chocolate chips and butter filling her nose.

Lisa came up with the grand idea of baking cookies for Jisoo just to prove that she can do something in the kitchen even though she really, really can’t. Y/n had to help her out and after their fourth attempt and three hours spent failing at creating eatable cookie dough, the cookies are now in the oven and the both of them are lying on the dirty kitchen floor.

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