Chapter 46

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Jungkook leaves after that, and Sana and Y/n both disappear in their rooms to take a shower and change into clean clothes. The sun is still out but it’s starting to disappear, the sky turning different hues of blue and orange and pink.

Y/n decides she needs to let Lisa know about her staying here for a while longer, asking her if she needs the car to which Lisa says no and that she isn’t planning on leaving the house until Jisoo comes back at the end of the week.

Y/n sighs and tells her to go out with Momo since the girl is all alone as well, all of their other friends having left to stay with their families.

From: Clingy Lisa

- I’ll be ok

- But since u kidnapped my car u owe me smthng

To: Clingy Lisa

- What do you want?

From: Clingy Lisa

- Tell Sana how u feel

- And tell her i’ll kick her ask if she doesn’t accept ur confession

To: Clingy Lisa

- *ass

From: Clingy Lisa

- No that was intentional. I’m gonna kick her ask.

- Clingy Lisa shared a Video

Y/n clicks the link, and smiles at the video, shaking her head as she types her answer.

To: Clingy Lisa

- That baby is cute

- And I will tell Sana.

From: Clingy Lisa

- I know I want to eat it

- And good girl I raised u well!

- G2g new eps of terrace house r out!

- Love you

There’s a knock on the door and Y/n quickly pulls the towel down from her hair and around her upper body instead.

Sana – again – doesn’t wait for Y/n’s okay before she comes inside. “Your daily delivery of new clothes, Ms. Y/l/n.” She says, placing a pile of new clothes on the bed.

“Thanks, Sana.” Y/n smiles a little, again feeling extremely uncomfortable. “I’m—“

“Nope!” Sana interrupts her. “We need to stop apologizing. You said so yourself.”

“Right…” Y/n mumbles, slowly taking the white shirt on top to slip it over her head. Her hair is still damp so the collar of the shirt gets a little wet. “Sana, can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Sana sits down next to her, stretching her legs out and crossing her ankles. There’s what looks to be a red friendship bracelet around her left ankle and Y/n is pretty sure she saw a similar one on Minah’s wrist earlier. It makes her smile, her chest feeling warm.

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