Chapter 48

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Even though Sana doesn’t really have time to be with her for the next two hours, Y/n’s having a good time. Seulgi’s not half as bad as Y/n initially thought, even though she’s extremely touchy.

She’s constantly touching Y/n’s arm, her thigh, wraps an arm around Y/n’s shoulders or her waist, but she does the same to Jungkook so Y/n thinks that’s just how she is and lets it go.

After a few beers her mind is buzzing pleasantly, and Seulgi has her arms around her and Jungkook again, gently swaying them to the sweet voice of a girl singing with her boyfriend playing his guitar next to her.

And then Seulgi leans in, her face almost pressed into Y/n’s neck, and okay, there’s only so much skinship Y/n can handle before she turns into a spluttering mess. “Uhm, Seulgi—“

“Shh…” Seulgi whispers, her hand coming up to cradle the back of Y/n’s neck, pulling her closer. She smells like mint but sweeter, and Y/n thinks it strangely reminds her of the scent of mojitos. “Don’t move.”

“What?” Y/n huffs, feeling her face heat up because their cheeks are pressed together and she can feel Seulgi’s lips brush against the side of her throat. “This is kind of gay.”

Seulgi laughs, low and rumbling. “You know what else is gay?”


“You and Sana.” And with that Seulgi pulls away, a smirk on her face. She winks at Y/n and grips Jungkook’s wrist, tugging the startled boy to his feet and away from Y/n. “You’re welcome!”

Y/n doesn’t even have time to process what the fuck just happened, because the next moment a shadow is suddenly looming over her, blocking her view of the bonfire. Y/n looks up, a little tipsy and confused and flustered because of what just happened.

Sana looks down at her. “Can I sit?” Y/n stupidly nods her head.

Sana doesn’t speak after sitting down on the log with her. She sips at her beer rather harshly, a frown an her face as she squints her eyes while watching the fire a few feet away from them. Her skin is glowing, illuminated by the flames, and her hair is so dark and Y/n wants to touch so bad.

“Are you okay?” Y/n gingerly asks, breaking the silence between them, not quite able to read the look on Sana’s face.

Sana faces her, puts on a smile. “Yeah. Sure.”

And then she just proceeds to sit next to Y/n, not talking to her, not even looking at her, and Y/n is so confused and a little upset, because she wanted to clear things up with Sana tonight but she’s being like this now.

“She has a nice voice.” Y/n forces herself to say when the silence becomes too much. The girl from before just finished her song, the drunk crowd around her cheering and shouting.

Sana hums, nodding her head thoughtfully. “Kookie’s got a nice voice, too.”

Sure enough, Jungkook gets pushed towards the spot where the girl from before was sitting, Seulgi making him sit down forcefully while Jungkook is visibly trying to run away. Seulgi’s holding the guitar now, tapping on it while she watches Jungkook trying to make himself disappear.

Seulgi laughs fondly. Sana’s eyes narrow the tiniest bit.

And then it hits Y/n. What Seulgi was trying to do. Why Sana’s eyes look like that, why she’s gripping the bottle in her hands so hard.

Seulgi starts playing the guitar. “Kookie’s going to sing for you losers now, so you better fucking pay attention!”

The crowd goes quiet; or as quiet as they can be in their drunk states.

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