Chapter 13

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The rest of the night passes easier than Y/n expected. If She looks past all the teasing, the subtle glances and smiles, Sana is a really nice person. She’s not as much of a dork as She pretends to be; yeah, She has a weakness for dogs and comics but She’s also really passionate about helping people who are less fortunate. Y/n asks what She wants to be doing ten years from now and Sana says She wants to be a teacher in a country where it's harder for children to get an education. She shows Y/n a kid on her phone, from Africa, a girl She’s been supporting since She started college and together with other people they managed to collect enough money for her to go to school.

She looks proud when She shows Y/n pictures of the little girl, almost like it’s her little sister and not a child on the other side of the world She’s never met before.

Y/n is surprised, all over again. Sana keeps doing that to her; She keeps getting in the way when Y/n tries to find a flaw in her.

"What kind of books do you want to write?" Sana asks between pouring Y/n some more bitter alcohol and stuffing her face with the leftovers on the table.

"I’m not sure." Y/n takes the glass from Sana’s hand, their fingers brushing. "I think I want to start with books for… younger people? I mean, I don’t know. Young adult books, or something."

Sana hums. "Any particular reason for that?"

"They’re easier to please," Y/n says in a joking way, both of them smiling at her comment. "I think people are more open to certain things at that age. More influenceable and all. I’d like to make a good influence, you know. Get them to think about important stuff they might not learn at school or from their parents. Like… sexuality, or racial discrimination. We never talked about those things at school. I guess in certain countries those things are just— more common. More accepted. I remember a girl coming to school with a black eye after her dad found out she had slept with a girl. She was kind of looked down upon for having sex in general, but also for doing it with a female, and I don’t think anyone ever helped her figure things out. Or told her that it’s okay. Since we’re always thought that sex before marriage is wrong, and we’re not even allowed to think about looking at the same gender like that. She was really nice, but she had no friends after that. I talked to her once, and she said there was an American author that helped her a lot, that their stories made her feel more… normal, in a sense. I think I’d be really happy if I could do that too, you know, for kids in our culture."

It’s only when Y/n looks up from her lap and into Sana’s eyes, when She spots the genuine surprise and something in them, that She realizes how much She just said. She doesn’t even remember the last time She talked so much without anyone asking her to. Sana definitely didn’t ask for it, and Y/n just gave her an earful of her worldviews.

"Sorry. I didn’t mean to—"

"I like you," Sana blurts and Y/n nearly drops the glass in her hands.

Momo, who also picked up on Sana’s sudden statement, turns to give her friend a look that definitely says "Smooth."

Y/n gives Sana a confused look, or maybe She looks as freaked out as She feels because Sana’s cheeks turn red - like the chili paste on the table. "W-What? I mean I like the way you think. I agree… with all of that."

"Oh." Y/n feels relief washing through her, but that’s not all. There’s a hint of something different, a dull pinch in her chest, but She decidedly ignores it. "Cool. Thanks."

She hears Momo snort and mutter something under her breath as She turns away again to Jeongyeon and Seokmin. Y/n’s eyes are locked on Sana’s, who looks like She has something to say but She stays silent and gives Y/n a tight smile before She starts eating again.

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