Chapter 20

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“Hey, don’t look at me like that.” Sana laughs a bit nervously, her eyes flickering over Y/n’s face.

“How can I not” Y/n shrugs and slowly closes the comic book that fell from her hand when Sana tackled her to the ground a moment before. “Sounds like you’re going to tell me something bad.”

Sana shakes her head, a sigh falling from her lips. “No, nothing like that. I mean— it’s not exactly good either but it just feels wrong to keep it from you because I know you wouldn’t want me to know something like that about you so I thought—”


“Okay, look. I think it slipped out. I’m pretty sure Chaeyoung didn’t mean to tell me. She was really scared you’d get mad at her, so please don’t blame her.”

Y/n narrows her eyes. “What slipped out?”

“Something— Something about you” Sana starts. “And your dad.”

“My dad.” Y/n’s stomach does an unpleasant flip because she already knows where this is going. She didn’t plan on telling Sana – only a handful of people outside of her family know about it – and it’s just, it’s not something she feels the need to mention out of nowhere. It’s like you’d tell someone your confession while introducing yourself, like “Hi, I’m Y/l/n Y/n and I’m a Buddhist.

Like it’s a fact, but nothing someone else needs to necessarily know about you right off the bat.

Same goes for Y/n’s relationship with her dad.

“He’s not my real dad.” Y/n carefully takes in Sana’s reaction after the words leave her mouth. “Is that what she told you?”

Sana nods, looking taken aback by the lack of reserve in Y/n’s answer. “She said that you’re only half-sisters.”

“Yeah. We have different dads.”

The silence stretches until Sana shuffles around a bit, her eyes trailing over Y/n’s face. “So, uhm. Did your mom and your dad split up?”

Y/n shakes her head. It would be easier to explain if it were that way; her dad and mom got a divorce, her mom remarried and had another child (Chaeyoung) and her new husband adopted Y/n. Well, at least the last part isn’t far from the truth.

“No. Not exactly.” Y/n looks up at her, frowning to herself when she realizes what she’s doing. Why is she telling Sana any of this? “I’ve never met my biological father. I don’t even know who he is.”

The way she explains it she should know it would raise questions, and the confused look on Sana’s face is only proof of that. “I… don’t get it. How do you not know who your own dad is—”

“Can I—” Y/n lets go of a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding in. “I don’t really like talking about it. I’m sorry.”

Sana gapes at her and quickly shakes her head. “No, don’t apologize! I’m stupid, I shouldn’t have asked.”

Their eyes meet for a tense moment and Y/n – definitely not for the first time – feels things she doesn’t usually feel; like her wanting to tell Sana personal things about herself. It catches her off guard and makes her want to pack her things and leave.

“No, it’s fine.” She gives Sana a small smile. “Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.”

“Yeah, sure.” Sana bites her lower lip and Y/n wonders if it’s just a habit of her or if she’s doing it on purpose because she knows that Y/n has this weird thing about her teeth. “No pressure.”

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