From: Unknown
> blue or pink?
To: Unknown
who is this? <
From: Unknown
> Sana!!!
> were you expecting someone else?
To: Sana
who gave you my number? <
From: Sana
> you did :)
To: Sana
i don't remember that <
From: Sana
> well i do! now tell me blue or pink.
> this is an emergency don't leave me hanging
To: Sana
blue <
From: Sana
> nice!!
Y/n snorts at the entire conversation, putting her phone away when Nayeon calls for her. It's the next day and Y/n luckily didn't have the early shift at work; she would've looked like a zombie getting here if that was the case.
She grabs her tray and walks back to her spot behind the counter between all sorts of machines and variations of coffee beans and teas.
Oh and milk. Before Y/n started working here, all she's known used to be regular milk. Milk from a cow. But then she got this job, and a lot of people decided to change their lifestyle and become vegan at the same time, and she practically became a milk expert.
They have soy milk, almond milk, hazelnut milk, oat milk, coconut milk, rice milk, quinoa milk (which Y/n still can't pronounce right) and there are still customers who'll be asking for yet another different kind of milk.
She still remembers Nayeon's facial expression last week:
"But do you really not have seven grain nondairy milk in your range?"
Nayeon just gave the lady a blank look for about three seconds before she managed to answer with a fake smile and a shake of her head. "I'm sorry Ma'am; I'm afraid we don't."
Y/n's pretty sure her co-worker's left eyelid was about to twitch when the customer sighed and said she couldn't drink any other milk than that, sounding damn accusatory as well.
But yeah, apart from them being plagued by all the new dietary trends that keep coming up and somewhat messing up their business the job's pretty much perfect for her; she doesn't have to talk to anyone and doesn't have to make any important decisions.
From then on, her phone just keeps buzzing wherever she goes. She knows it's Sana without having to check. Ever since Y/n (apparently) gave her, her number at the club three days ago she's been waking up to random text messages from the girl. Most of the time Y/n doesn't know what the hell Sana is on about but at one point she just decided to play along without asking too many questions.
Not that she'd ever admit that but Sana's stupid messages are quite amusing and they make it easier to get through her seemingly endless shifts at the café.
Y/n thought that after their 'conversation' that night, Sana would start giving her the cold shoulder but somehow the exact opposite seems to be the case; Sana hasn't brought the subject up even once and she isn't making any suggestive comments or anything that would imply that Sana was ever interested in Y/n like that.

FanfictionY/n is pretty sure her entire family hates her and her commitment issues are starting to make her life (as well as Sana's) miserable. Minatozaki Sana x G!P reader ©️ Converted story from ao3 writer @ryerim All credits goes to the author. I don't own...