chapter 50

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Jungkook and Seulgi come over later and when they sit down in the living room, the two proceed to stare at Sana and Y/n expectantly.

It's still raining outside and it got too cold to sit in the garden, too. Fall's definitely coming closer and with that, the new semester and work.

Y/n doesn't know how to feel about that but for now, she's still here at Sana's house, and classes don't start until next week, so she tries to keep those thoughts away before they can ruin her mood.

Sana blinks at her friends from where she's sitting on the same couch next to Y/n. "Are you high or something?"

Jungkook shakes his head. "No."

"Then quit staring at us like we grew a second fucking head." Sana furrows her eyebrows when Seulgi starts grinning.

"Did you hook up last night?" Seulgi asks, lips pressed together tightly while she's still grinning at them. She looks so damn happy as she asks this.

Y/n splutters and Sana chokes a little.

"What the hell?" Sana throws a pillow at Seulgi but it ends up hitting Jungkook in the face instead. Jungkook groans in pain and while Y/n feels sorry for him, he's also too busy being thrown off by Seulgi's question.

"Hey, don't get me wrong." Seulgi laughs and rubs her knuckles against Jungkook's cheek that have turned red from getting hit by the pillow. "You guys just look really, really happy. You have that..." She makes a vague gesture with her hand. "That glow, if you know what I mean."

"No I don't, you fucking pervert." Sana huffs in annoyance, shooting Y/n a worried look like she's scared Seulgi might've upset her. But Y/n isn't upset. Heck, she doesn't care at all.

All Y/n does is reach out and grab Sana's hand, shrugging her shoulders.

Jungkook gapes at them and Seulgi lets out a squeak, looking like she's vibrating in her seat.

"I don't think it's any of your business what we do together, right?" Y/n asks.

"Are you-" Jungkook stutters, pointing at them. "Are you together? Like for real?"

Sana is staring at Y/n with wide eyes, much like she did when Y/n did the same in front of Minah this morning.

"Yeah." Y/n says.

"So it worked?" Seulgi asks, tilting her head. No one else understands, but Y/n does, and she nods her head with a small smile and Seulgi starts beaming. "Well, I'm happy for you guys. You're very cute together."

"Jesus." Jungkook breathes, his cheeks looking slightly flushed and Y/n wants to laugh at the embarrassed look on his face. "I'm- I'm happy for you, too. Seriously. Don't hurt each other." He gives them a pointed look before looking away again, clearing his throat awkwardly.

What a strange guy.

"And be careful, Sana." Seulgi smirks. "If I didn't know you were involved I would've snatched Y/n away."

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try that." Sana says and wraps her arm around Y/n's shoulders, pulling her into her side.

Seulgi snorts. "Possessiveness isn't attractive, Sana."

Sana simply shrugs, turning her head to press her lips against Y/n's temple. Y/n feels her smile there.

"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen." Jungkook mutters and gets up to grab some energy drinks from the kitchen.

When he comes back, Seulgi's already put on a movie to watch, and it turns out it's a Hayao Miyazaki movie and by the end of it, Jungkook is holding a sobbing Seulgi in his arms and Y/n is looking anywhere but at Sana as she wills her eyes to stop watering.

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