Chapter 28

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They do get kicked out.

“Y/n, come on, it was kind of funny.” Sana sighs and tries to get Y/n to stop walking.

“You know, if he didn’t like me so much I would’ve got barred.” Y/n says.

“Well, you didn’t right?” Sana shrugs. “And what do you mean he likes you?”

Y/n frowns at the look on Sana’s face. Like an unhappy child. “What are you thinking? Sana, he’s like, forty.”

“So what?” Sana huffs. “That doesn’t pacify me in the slightest. I like older men, too.”

“Oh, do you now?”


“Well, then you might wanna get your eyes checked. I’m neither a man nor am I anywhere close to being forty years old.”

“That’s cause you’re an exception. I don’t mind your youthful looks. Or your penis.”

“Don’t talk about my penis.”

“Uh, yeah. Sorry.” Sana clears her throat. “But I really didn’t mean to get us kicked out.”

Y/n sighs. She wasn’t really angry to begin with.

It was amusing how Sana nearly started fighting the man over the bag of candies.

“It’s fine.”

“Do you want to go eat something?” Sana asks. “I’ll pay.”

“Yeah, I’m kind of hungry.” Y/n answers. “But you’re not paying.”

“Why not? I want to.”

“I’m the older one. I should pay.”

“Oh come on, what century are we living in? Just let me pay. I behaved like an idiot just now, and I kind of ruined our date.”

“You didn’t ruin it Sana.” Y/n finally gives in and chuckles a bit. “It was kind of funny.”

“Oh, okay. Good.”


Sana ends up paying for their dinner and when Y/n tries to object she tells her that Y/n can pay on their second date.

They’re sitting in a quite popular chicken restaurant, and there are young people all around them, some of which Y/n even recognizes from her classes and they give them curious looks, but that’s about it.

Nothing major happens.

They’re just two girls eating together, at least that’s how it must look from a stranger’s point of view.

“You know, about what you said earlier.” Y/n speaks, fumbling with the chicken wing in her fingers. “About liking older men… I mean. Uhm.”

“Just say it.” Sana has some sauce on her lower lip and Y/n is momentarily distracted by the pink tongue darting out to lick it away.

“You’ve only mentioned having, well, boyfriends in the past. And when I met you, I only saw you flirting with boys too.” Y/n shrugs. “I was wondering if I’m, like, the only girl you… you know.”

Sana hesitates before answering. “I don’t know if you’re going to like my answer.”


“I mean. You know I wasn’t exactly… conservative, right?”

Y/n nods and picks at the chicken wing, not really meeting Sana’s eyes.

“I’ve slept with a few girls.” Sana says. “But I’ve never had romantic feelings for one before.” A shadow crosses her eyes, but it’s gone as fast as it came. “Well, before I met you.”

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