Chapter 51

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Y/n’s never been a fan of goodbyes.

She stands at the bottom of the stairs with Sana’s bag slung over her shoulders and watches Sana hug her family, and it’s kind of making her heart hurt even though she knows that Sana will be able to come back whenever she wants.

Maybe it’s not the saying goodbye part that scares Y/n but the separation that ultimately comes with it.

Sana’s dad fusses over her while her mom tells her to stop and Minah tries to look bored and annoyed but her bottom lips is jutting out a little and her eyes are welling up.

She starts crying when Sana leans down to hug her.

“Aww, Minah stop.” Sana coos, ruffling her sister’s hair. “I’ll be back before you know it. Thanksgiving’s just around the corner, yeah?”

“Y-Yeah.” She hiccups. Y/n smiles when she catches her eyes from where she has her face pressed against Sana’s chest and she pulls a pained face, clearly embarrassed about her outburst.

“Y/n, my daughter.” Sana’s dad is suddenly right in front of her and before Y/n can move, he’s got Y/n wrapped up in a tight, warm hug. “It was so nice meeting you! I would ask you to come back with Sana for thanksgiving but I’m sure you’ll want to be with your own family then.”

Y/n freezes a little in the man’s embrace, her heart stuttering. She’s only known Sana’s family for a few days but they’re all so warm hearted and loving that Y/n can’t help but feel like she’s been with them for way longer than that.

Hinata ruffles a hand through the back of Y/n’s hair, the other one rubbing and patting her shoulder; it’s strong and playful and loving.

It feels like a hug a father would give to her daughter and that’s enough to bring tears to Y/n’s eyes. She forces herself to hug the man back, willing herself to stop being so emotional when she catches Sana’s eyes, who’s smiling at her with understanding written across her beautiful features.

“Thank you for having me.” Y/n mumbles into Youngjin’s shoulders. “I— would love to come back. Sooner or later.”

Next is Sana’s mom, hugging her just as tightly. She smells so nice, just like Sana does and they’re all just this group of amazing, cute people that have settled in Y/n’s heart. “Take care of yourself, okay? If you ever need anything, you can always come to us, understand?”

Y/n chuckles a little awkwardly, mostly because she’s just too overwhelmed. She also feels like Sana’s mom knows a little too much and she tries to downplay it. “Thank you.”

Minah just stares at Y/n, her lip wobbling again before she reaches her hand out for a handshake. She’s wearing colourful bracelets and each fingernail has an individual sticker on it and Y/n is pretty sure she re-paints her nails every single day. “Have a safe trip.” She mumbles.

“Thanks, Minah.” Y/n smiles. “And thank you for all your health tips. I’ll try to eat less… uhm, animal based foods from now on.”

She perks up at that, her eyes glinting in glee. “Really?”

Sana rolls her eyes and suddenly pulls Y/n into her side, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulders. “Don’t you dare pull my girlfriend to the dark side.”

This gets her three different reactions; Sana’s parents, who give each other knowing looks, Minah who rolls her eyes at her sister’s words and Y/n who blushes so hard it’s embarrassing, but her heart starts racing and her hand comes up to curl around Sana’s on instinct.

Sana looks at her, and her eyes are so fond it knocks all the air out of Y/n’s lungs.

And Y/n just kind of has this urge to shout out loud how much she loves Sana right then and there but her family is there and she’d probably look crazy doing it so she bites down on her tongue and settles for tangling their hands together where they’re hidden between their hips.

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