Chapter 24

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It's been a while since Y/n has seen Jihyo, and since she isn't exactly a regular at the café Y/n is a bit surprised to see her stand at the counter that night, asking for a chat with Y/n.

"Here you go." Y/n sets the Iced Americano down on in front of Jihyo before taking a seat on the couch next to her.

"You sure I’m not holding you back from work?" Jihyo asks, sucking her cheeks in as she takes a sip from the coffee through the straw.

"No." There are barely any people left in the café; for some reason, Tuesday nights are their least busy hours of the week, so the tables are practically deserted save for a few couples hidden in the corners to spend some time with each other in secret. "I wasn’t supposed to be working either way, but Nayeon got sick, so."

"Oh, she did?" Jihyo raises her eyebrows. "Is she fine?"

Y/n smiles. "It’s just a cold." She shakes her head, chuckling at Jihyo’s expression. "You still haven’t given up on her?"

"What?" Jihyo keeps acting like she has no idea what Y/n is talking about. "I’m just a concerned friend. I’m completely innocent."

"Ji, whenever you see her you have this predatory smirk on your face and your eyes are glued to her ass—"

"Okay, correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think we’re here to talk about me… or Nayeon’s marvellous butt."

"Yeah." Y/n’s smile slides off her face and she nervously twists her hands together on her lap. "Right."

"Now" Jihyo turns on the couch to face Y/n properly. "Update me on what’s happened since your comic book reading session in Sana’s bedroom."

"Hey— how do you know about that?"

"I was sitting outside?" Jihyo widens her eyes like it’s perfectly obvious. "Momo couldn’t stop smirking after she walked in on you—"

"We were reading."

"Yeah… okay. If that’s what you wanna call it."

"I’m going back to work."

"No, wait. I’ll stop." Jihyo laughs, pulling Y/n back down on the couch. "But on a serious note, what’s up? I can tell something is."

Y/n isn't exactly sure what happens in her brain in that very moment. When she thinks back to it later, she'd like to think it's one of these situations where the awkward protagonist of a story just kind of breaks out of their shell and says fuck it.

"I like Sana." But she’s Y/l/n Y/n, so it’s more like she trips over her feet and cracks her head and all her thoughts sputter out of her. "I like her. Like, a lot. And we kissed. More than once. And I’ve been hanging out with her for a few weeks and we’re not exclusive, not at all, but I like her and I thought I should let you know because no one else knows and I think I’m going insane."

She’s out of breath by the time she stops talking and she’s just kind of staring at Jihyo with wide eyes who has this eerily satisfied expression on her face.

Jihyo slowly brings her Iced America up to her lips, opens her mouth and takes a long, calm sip from the coffee.

"I already know that, Y/n." Jihyo snickers at Y/n’s bewildered expression. "You two aren’t exactly very subtle about it, did you know that? I mean, the others are idiots so you can’t expect them to notice anything, but I’ve known for quite a while."

"Then why… why didn’t you say anything?"

"Because I know this is a big deal for you. And I also know there must be a reason why you guys aren’t exclusive yet, so I thought I’d keep quiet about it and wait for you to approach me. Which you did. And now here we are."

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