Chapter 38

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The waiting room is completely painted in white, a few artistic paintings hung on the wall with the occasional bright green plant standing in the room. There isn’t much to look at, and to avoid glancing at the other people here or reading the confusing psychotherapy self-help brochures everywhere, Y/n focuses on the water dispenser standing in the corner.

She focuses on the whirring sounds it makes in order to ignore how tense she is and how much she wants to get up and flee the room as the other patients get called one by one, until it’s only Y/n left.

She’s seriously considering ditching this whole thing. Surely she can get over her issues if she just pushes them back a little bit more—

“Ms. Y/l/n” The girl from the registration desk is standing there with a friendly smile. “Mrs. Kang is ready for your appointment. If you would follow me, please?”

Y/n gulps and nods her head, her eyes probably resembling those of an owl. She gets up and follows her until she stops in front of a door where the tag next to it reads Dr. Kang Sohee, Psychotherapy and Forensic Psychology.

… Forensic psychology? Isn’t that for criminals?

Oh god, why on earth is Y/n here? Is this because of the fight she got into all those months ago with Lisa—

“Ms. Y/l/n?” The woman sitting behind the desk in the room stands up with a friendly smile on her face. “Please come in.”

The girl closes the door behind her, and Y/n proceeds to awkwardly stand in the room, not able to stop herself from wondering where the couch is where the patients are supposed to lie down.

That’s how it’s always shown in movies, right?

“Please” The woman gestures to one of the chairs standing in front of her desk. “Have a seat.”

Y/n finally manages to snap out of it and stop acting like an idiot. She carefully sits down on the chair and clears her throat.

The room looks a lot like the waiting room. A few plants and flowers, a few paintings, countless degrees framed and lined up on the wall for Y/n to be impressed about.

“I am Dr. Kang, as you already know.” She introduces herself. “I will be your therapist, if that’s fine with you. If you decide you hate me after today’s session, you can request someone different.”

Y/n forces herself to smile at the joke. At least she seems friendly. She has a round, wrinkly face surrounded by short, black and curly hair. She’s wearing makeup and delicate jewellery and gives off a strong and trustworthy vibe.

Y/n tries her best to relax.

“Would you like me to address you as Ms. Y/l/n or Y/n?”

“Y/n is fine.” She quickly says.

“Alright, Y/n. Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself before we start?” She presses a button on a small device on the desk, tapping it when Y/n focuses her eyes on it. “This will record our session. I prefer to have my full attention on my patients during the sessions and write everything down later. Is that okay with you?”

Y/n nods her head, not sure what else to do. She knows that’s her job, but she doesn’t know how to feel about the fact that every little thing she says is going to be on record.

“Uhm.” Y/n clears her throat. “I’m in my third year at college. I study literature. I live on my own, but my sister is living with me for the meantime.”

“Literature?” She says. “I love literature. Do you want to become an author?”


“I see.” She looks up at her again, smiling. “So, your friend Jihyo fixed an appointment for you here. Why are you here today, Y/n?”

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