Chapter fourteen

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I quickly stood off the floor and walked towards Noah. He nearly took a swing at Harry, but I got there fast enough to push Noah.

He began to cry and looked straight into my eyes. Confused. Hurt. Angry. Betrayal look all into one.

"I thought me and y-you were?.." He sobbed. He slowly stepped backwards and almost fell against the wall. He put his hand on his forehead and shaked his head and breathed heavily.

"You said.." he softly spoke. I walked towards him and grabbed both of his hands. I gave a small smile whilst we were both crying. I tried to look into his eyes but he wouldn't make eye contact with me. He was disgusted with me.

"You said you were mine!" He shouted with all his power. I cried. I cried because I felt like a using bitch. I cried because I could hear Harry sobbing and cried because I was scared. Scared of what Noah would do to Harry. And what Harry would do to Noah.

He gently pushed me aside and walked over to Harry. Harry was on the floor crying, his head down and his body trembling. Noah grabbed the collar of Harry's shirt and stood him up harshly. Once he was stood up, Noah was inches away from him. They were both crying and looked into each other's eyes.

Harry wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and stood up straight and glared back into Noah's eyes. Noah licked his lips and stepped even closer to Harry.

"Did I not warn you about coming near Kendall and touching her?" He shouted. Harry forcefully pushed Noah, his hands almost high fiving his chest. Noah stumbled a couple steps back but regained his balance.

"You can't stop me from seeing her. She's everything to me." Harry cried.
"I can't let her go" he shouted and looked over to me. I was frozen. I couldn't move, I caused this. Two best friends despising each other because of me.

"How can she be everything to you if you shouted in her face and slammed her against the concrete floor and left her with bruises all over her back, how can you claim to love someone but hurt her like that" he shouted. The veins in his neck appearing, his fist clenching and his nose flaring.

"I didn't slam her to the floor!" He shouted.
"I pushed her by accident so I could kick the living shit out of you" he yelled. Noah stepped forward and pushed Harry.
"Yeah?" He questioned. Harry pushed him back.
"Yes you deluded cunt" Harry yelled.

"Well what's stopping you now?" Noah asked. Before he gave Harry the chance to say anything back, Noah punched Harry in the jaw. Harry fell against the wall and almost roared in anger. Not because of the pain. Because he was enraged and maddened.

I ran towards Harry as he tried to punch Noah. I pinned him to the wall like yesterday and held him back.
"Noo, Harry please, don't! For me!" I screamed, crying at the same time.

He kept trying to escape my grip around him and the wall. He fell back onto the wall multiple times as I held on to him tighter, enabling him to move.

He soon got more furious and picked me up off the floor and threw me on the bed gently. I sat up and saw Harry and Noah on top of each other, throwing hard punches, I could hear their clenched fists punch each other's faces. I cringed as I imagined the pain they were both in.

"Harry stop!" I cried. They were both up on their feet, punching each other in the stomach and throwing each other on the floor and slamming each other against the wall. Harry threw Noah against the wall. Noah didn't get up as he slowly fell to the floor.

"Please stop!" I cried. I tugged on to Harry's sleeves and kissed his still clenched fists, they were bruised and oozing with thick, red blood. His lip was busted and bleeding. His left nostril was letting blood run down like a tap, his left eye turned a blue/purple colour and was a bit swollen.

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