Chapter seventeen

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Harry called me an hour before he was coming over for dinner.
"Hello?" I answered. He laughed lightly.
"Don't sound too excited, I'm only coming over to your house for dinner with your parents" he teased.
"I'm going to tell you now, they're very questionative and manipulating people, especially my dad."

He began to laugh and was just about to talk, but I cut him off, like usual.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, May The Lord have mercy on you son" I teased. Once I had said it, I didn't expect him to laugh that hard. For approximately 3 minutes, he was laughing, not saying a word. Just laughing.

"You calmed down yet?" I asked whilst laughing.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't know what just happened" he laughed.
"I haven't laughed like that in ages" he continued, I knew he was smiling.
"Well you know me" I said smugly.
"And why, when was the last time you had a good laugh?" I asked.

The line went dead. He didn't say anything and neither did I. Until I got worried something happened.
"Harry?" I spoke. I heard him sniffling and breathing out loudly.
"Are you okay?" I asked anxiously. He breathed in and began to speak.

"Yeah, I'm just. I'm just remembering the last time I laughed like that. It was with my mom and dad." he spoke quietly. I didn't want to ask the obvious question, but they came running out my mouth.

"What happened to your parents?" I asked in a quite voice, almost whispering.
"They died, they went t..." he couldn't carry on. He began to cry, all I wanted was for him to be next to me so I could hold and comfort him.
"Heyy, Harry, it's okay, if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to, but I'm here, okay? Always here, for you." I spoke fast.

"They were in a car crash the night of their 13th Anniversary together, happily married. They went to Õrangè restaurant, it was the thing back then. They were on their way home and a drunk bastard crashed into them. My mom instantly died, she banged her head hard." He paused, I knew he was holding back his tears, but I didn't.

"My dad, he was alive. He came out of hospital with a broken arm and that was it. I was so lucky to have him alive, you know? But he left me. Not like, leaving to another city or half way across the world, he committed suicide. He couldn't live without my mom, and neither could, so I needed him, god damn it I needed him, but he left me, his 10 year old son. I woke up the next morning and saw him with an empty pill bottle and my dad's corpse on the floor in the bathroom. I had no one. I have no one. I-I only have you Kendall." He began to cry uncontrollably, and so did I.

"I'm so so sorry Harry, I had no idea. I love you, I love you. I'm here. I'm yours. You have me. I love you" I cried, I didn't know what to say, whatever came to my head I said.

"Thanks, I've never told anyone that before" he breathed.
"I love you too" he continued. I tried to swiftly change the conversation.
"So" I began as I was wiping my eyes.
"What will you be wearing tonight?" I asked. He slightly laughed.
"Hmm, my black jeans, a long white top and this new denim jacket I bought" he replied.

"That sounds so, you. And if that full of head of hair of yours isn't styled to perfection, I will simply not let you in the house" I teased.
"You wouldn't dare you cold bitch" he laughed. I laughed too.
"Oh, wouldn't I" I spoke.

We both began to talk for a while until I noticed the time. It was 5:47pm.
"You've got a good 15 minute before you're in my kitchen, and talking to my parents." I said.
"I can't wait to meet my girls folks" he replied.

The words 'my girl' replayed in my head. He knew exactly what to say to win me over, even though I already am head over heels for him.

"I'm going to set off now, I'll see you very soon Kendall Styl... oh I mean Lancaster" he teased, we both began to laugh.

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