Chapter twenty four

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I tried on my new outfits, numerous amounts of times. I was very fond of the black dress Harry picked out for me, he was very keen on it too as he asked me to take a picture and send it to him.

I sent a picture of the dress on a hanger, he replied moments later.

"Erm, I meant wear the dress, dopey"

"The things I do for you"

"Just do it!" I put the dress back on and took a mirror selfie and sent it to him.

"So happy I bought it for you"

"Thanks again and why?"

"I bought it, so I can take it off;)"

"Shut up Harry"

We spoke for a couple more hours before we finally said goodbye and meant it.

I put my phone back on charge, but checked the time before I did. It was 9:48am and my parents were off to work at 10am, I could hear little murmurs of their conversations from all the way up on my room. I laid back down, shut my eyes and fell asleep.

It felt so good waking up on my own and not hear my alarm going off in the early hours of the morning.

I yawned and clicked my back before staring blankly at the wall in front of me and just thinking about life, about Harry. I didn't even realise I was smiling when I thought of him.

I rolled out of bed and gradually made my way to my bathroom, I had a long day ahead of me but have nothing planned at all. I decided to have a nice soak in the bath and listen to Chris Browns new album in the background.

I ran the water for my bath and stepped back inside my bedroom. I connected my phone to my speaker and played the first track on the album, I went over to my drawers and took out my towel.

I danced back to the bathroom and stopped the water flowing in the bath tub. I slipped off my night clothing and stepped inside the bath. The scorching hot water making me relax instantly. I shut my eyes and took in the music being played aloud from a short distance.

I slowly slid inside the bath until my whole body was under the clear water. My eyes tightened and my cheeks puffed out as I held my breath in for as long as my lungs could manage.

I suddenly replayed the last couple of weeks in my mind, all the parties, the fights, the mistakes with Noah, the arguments with Harry, the secrets unravelling and the chaotic night in the Liquid club.

I quickly opened my eyes and shot up from beneath the water. I held onto the bath from either side and gripped tightly. My heart began to beat fast and I was struggling to get my breathing back to normal, as I was panting, thinking about everything that happened in them booths and how fatal that night could of been.

I put my warm hands over my eyes, my palms coming into contact with my eye lids. I rubbed them and kept on telling myself everything was and is fine.

I carefully stepped out the bath tub and wrapped my towel around my tanned body. I walked out the bathroom which now looked like a sauna from all the steam coming from the scorching hot water and stepped inside my room, i was accompanied by a nice cool breeze and cold, wooden flooring beneath my feet.

I sat on the edge of my bed and held my towel firmly around my body. I scraped my wet hair back and glided my hand through my root, I sat quietly, listening to the music faintly playing.

My eyes began to well up with tears, as I once again thought about everything's that's happened. I bit down on my lip to stop the tears from escaping, but failed.

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