Chapter 18-"She coined it, it belongs to her."

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Loki's POV

Loki stares at his reflection, not sure what to say. His reflection holds up his hand and touches the mirror from his side. The guys gasp when the reflection's hand goes through the mirror.

"Well, isn't this interesting?" He says as the rest of his body steps through the mirror.

"Strange, what is going on?" Loki asks.

"It's another variant of Loki." Strange replies.

"Duh!" Mobius scoffs from beside him.

"But how is he here?"

"Because I am the protector of the gap dimension that you are trying to trespass in." Dark Loki tells them.

"We need the Book of Vishanti."

"I know, and what makes you think you are worthy of it?"

"We are trying to save the universe." Strange grumbles.

"Really? Just the universe? I think you are not telling me what you really need it for."


"Tell me. What do you need it for?" Dark Loki's hands start to glow green.

"We need it to end, Thanos." Loki replies.

"Finally, the truth." The glow disappears.

"So, can we go get it?" Mobius asks.

"Only the book can judge that. I'm only its protector, not its master. But be warned, if you are not worthy, it will kill you."

"Isn't that just wonderful?" Mobius says sarcastically.

"So, who's going to try?" Dark Loki smiles at them maliciously.

"I will." Loki steps forward. "What do I need to do?"

"Loki, are you sure about this? You are supposed to stay here."

"Actually, Charlotte just specified that I should not go after her. So, I am going to retrieve the object that can potentially save her." Dark Loki's eyes narrow at Loki's comment.

"You found her? Your soulmate? She is alive?" He says with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"I have, and she is, but she was taken by Thanos."

"I understand. I lost any chance of being with my soulmate when I tried and succeeded in overpowering the previous protector of this dimension."

"Previous protector?"

"Yes, he was also one of us. A Loki. When my soulmate and I tried to take the Book, I ended up as its protector and my Charlotte...ended up dead."

"I'm sorry." Loki says sympathetically.

"It was our fault. We just wanted to be together and in our universe, we were not meant to be. Did you know that only one of us will ever get what we want? That all Loki's are doomed to never be happy, except for one of us."

"I don't understand." Loki replies.

"Let me ask you this? Have you bonded with her?"

"Yes, we have."

"So you know that she is to become a goddess?"

"Yes? Can you get to the point?"

"You are the one. You are the one who will get to live happily ever after. The only one of us that gets his Balance."

"I don't understand?"

"The rest of us, no matter how hard we try. We either end up dead or are outer failures. We never find our balance."

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