Chapter 27: "The hardest choices require the strongest wills"

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Loki's POV

Loki stares into his wife's lifeless white eyes. He wants to run to her, but Thor grabs his arms and stops him before he gets himself killed.

"Thor." Loki growls,

"No, Loki. We have to follow the plan and that is not part of it. She is not your target. He is." Thor points to Thanos. Thor lets go of him and Loki turns to Thanos.

"Give me my wife and I might let you live." Loki yells, making sure that Thanos attention is on him.

"If you were only capable of doing anything to me, I might be scared." Thanos spits out.

"You have no idea who you are dealing with, Thanos. I am more powerful now than you can ever imagine." Loki yells. He tries to make sure they don't notice Future Charlotte quietly creeping up behind them.

"I think I can imagine, actually. You don't seem to understand what is at stake here."

"Why are you doing this?" Thor asks, trying to stall for more time. 

"Because I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless... Dread It. Run from It. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say, I Am."

"So you're doing this because you want us to feel your loss?" Tony asks him, pretending to be confused.

"The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Thanos says somberly,

"Fuck, you are really crazy." Tony quips.

"Enough of this. Kill them." Thanos points his large sword at Loki, Thor, Tony, and Heimdall but before anyone can move, Future Charlotte wraps her arm around Agatha's throat and plunges a dagger into her back.

"This is for ruining my life." Charlotte growls in her ear. Agatha gasps, but then starts laughing.

"You should have aimed for my heart." She quickly turns around and shoots future Charlotte in the chest with a blast of purple magic. Charlotte tries to brace herself, but the blast sends her flying. She hits the wall of the Bifrost dome and collapses on the rainbow bridge.

"Charlotte!" Loki yells,

"I said KILL THEM!" Thanos yells at his Children. Proxima and Cull jump into action and both head toward the Asgardians and Iron Man. 

"Fuck, Thor! NOW!" Tony swears. Thor grabs Heimdall and all three of them jump off the rainbow bridge. Thanos and Agatha look at each other, confused by what just happened. 

"Go after them!" He yells at his children. They jump after them and Loki smiles. A large explosion is heard from under the bridge.

"You just lost two more children." Loki smiles maliciously.

"Kill him." Thanos leans over and whispers in Charlotte's ear.  Loki watches as his wife's lifeless face looks at him.

"Yes, Master." She replies and conjures a pair of daggers. She throws them both at Loki. He dodges both and starts to whisper a spell. His hands start to glow green when two bolts of magic shoot at Charlotte. She manages to put up a shield and both bolts bounce off it.

"Charlotte, please wake up. I do not want to hurt you." Loki pleads with her, but her face remains emotionless.

"I must kill you." She says, and this time conjures a long sword. Loki quickly uses his magic to conjure a shield and sword. 

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