The Lost Girl

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It was 4 am. I was taking a walk with Klarion. It was pretty nice. He makes me smile.

Klarion- Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?
Me- No, you don't have to say it. But thank you. No one really has ever told me  that I'm beautiful.
Klarion- Well you are.
Me- You're so sweet.
Klarion- Thanks, you do know you are turning pink right?
Me- I kinda figured.
Klarion- You know, if everyone didn't die, we wouldn't of met each other.
Me- I guess, this might be a positive thing after all.

He puts his arm around my waist and pull me close. I hug him tight. He hugs me back.

I hear crying. I let go, Klarion looks confused as I look around. I hear it coming from my left. I run over and there is a girl a year younger than me. She is crying. I sit down next to her. She looks at me with tears. She is confused and upset. I hug her and let her cry on my shoulder.

Girl- What happened to everyone?
Me- They are dead. None of us know how.
Girl- Us? You mean more people are alive?
Me- Yes, This is Klarion (I gesture to the boy walking up)
Girl- I'm Nicki, Who are you?
Me- I'm Ally. How long have you been awake?
Nicki- I just woke up and there was ashes everywhere.
Me- Let's go back to my house and I'll show you the rest of my friends.
Nicki- Okay, by the way do you think your friend is cute?
Me- I do.
Nicki- Are you two together?
Me- No, let's go back to my house now before he hears us.

I took her hand and led her to my house. When we passed Klarion I took his hand as well. We walked back to the house. I turned on the TV for her. I then Pulled an alarm for everyone to wake up. When everyone woke up they were not happy.

Me- Everyone, this is Nicki. Nicki, this is Aidan, Robin, Breanna, Ivy, and Taylor. And you already know Klarion.
Everyone- Hey Nicki!
Nicki- Hi.
Me- So far she is only one who didn't come in a crystal.

They all start talking while I make breakfast. I made Pan cakes and bacon. Before I call anyone, Robin meets me in the kitchen.

Robin- You know, Nicki is really nice. She's really upset. I wish there is something we can do to make her feel better.
Me- I know, but anyone she's ever known is gone. Like all of us she will get over it in time.
Robin- Yah, I hope you're right.
Me- Can you bring her, her breakfast?
Robin- Sure.

I go to an old room, that I haven't been to in months. There is a photo album sitting in one of the chairs. I grab it and sit down. There are so many picture. One catches my eye. In the photo, there is two girls, me and another girl. With the girls parents. I turn the photo over.

Ally and Nicki, With Amanda and Hunter, Williams. March 3 2008

I now know who she is. I used to work for the family as a nurse. I was able to heal her ill father. Nicki was so grateful.

Suddenly a knock disrupted my thoughts. It was Nicki.

Me- Hey, come sit down.
Nicki- Okay, hey I know this sounds weird but do I know you from somewhere?
Me- Actually you do. In March, 2008 I was able to help your dad get better. I was the young nurse.
Nicki- That was you?!
Me- It was.
Nicki- That means your the closest thing I have to a family.

I didn't say anything. Just smile with a tear welding up in my eye. I rubbed it. She hugged me as soon as she saw me almost cry. I hugged her back. She left the room and Klarion came in. He sat down next to me.

Klarion- So you worked to help her family?
Me- Yah, I was an intern nurse that worked for free to help the father get better.
Klarion- You are incredible, not just to me but anyone you meet.
Me- You are the sweetest. Thank you.
Klarion- It's true.

I hugged him. He made feel amazing. He was amazing. At least there was someone else. I walked out.

30 minutes later
I was hanging with Taylor and Nicki on the couch. Everyone but Aidan was playing clue on the dining room table. I didn't know where Aidan was.

I was talking with Taylor, when suddenly I heard Nicki scream. I snapped my neck around to look at her. Her hair was soaking wet. Aidan was holding a bucket behind her. Nicki, shot of the couch and her hands erupted in flames. I grabbed her arms and put a bracelet that would let her control her fire powers. She calmed down but was still angry. She grabbed Aidan and pulled him toward the room with the pool. I opened the door for her. She was strong for her age. She threw Aidan in the pool. He was soaked. We all laughed as Aidan got out of the pool.

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