The Witch

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Everyone fell asleep in my room. I was awakened by some Hong shaking me. When I opened my eyes slowly, there was Jana. I got up and everyone was sleeping except her and Jason.

Me- Ugh, what happened?
Jana- Everyone fell asleep in your room, watching the movie.
Jason- Should we wake them up?
Me- Nah. Let them sleep.

I walked out of the room. Shadow followed. Since everyone but Nicki was dating someone it got kinda weird with everyone. Some of the girls and boys got super protective. ( I skipped Ariel's and Robin's date. And Breanna and Aidan's date.)

Shadow went to the aquarium with Teekl. They seemed to be good friends. Then the house started to shake. There was no earthquake. Today was the day of the Witch. I ran out of the house and no more of five minutes,everyone was out with me.

Klarion- What the hell was that?!
Aidan- The house is shaking.
Jason- No shit.
Taylor- I think that he means how is it happening.
Aidan- Oh.

Then someone came into eye contact. It was a girl with brown hair and a crazy look. Some may even say murderous. I guessed that was Aliyah.

Aliyah- Hello, Hello, Hello. I don't know any of you except one. Hi Klarion. Let me introduce myself...
Me- You're Aliyah. The Witch.
Aiyah- Ahh, so one of you knows who I am.
Klarion- Aliyah?! What the hell are you doing?
Aliyah- Isn't it obvious. I'm getting my revenge from a broken heart.
Klarion- What broken heart?
Me- I'll explain it to you later hun.

I gave him a sad smile and turned my attention back to Aliyah. She started laughing evilly. Aidan started to shoot lightning at her. Then Everyone started using their powers. It wouldn't work. I was the only one that could defeat her. But I have to make sure their safe first.

I put them in a force feild. I tear dripped down my face. I had to finish this. Even if it ment that someone would have to die.

Klarion- Ally, what are you doing?
Me- Klarion, remember, I love you with all my heart. And I love the rest of you like family even Aidan.
Ivy- Ally, don't do this!

I gave them a small, sad smile and turned my head toward Aliyah. Aliyah stuck both her hands out. I did as well. A blue light went swirling around her hands then shot out towards me. A purple light came out of my hands and went towards her.

The lights of magic crashed into each other. Then it started moving higher and lower. Sweat was coming out of my forehead but I never stopped she never stopped either. Then I thought of Drew and Kira. All my friends. Klarion. Those people are who make me strong. Who make me powerful. I pushed harder. It was working. I was beating her. Soon there was a blinding light. Next thing I see is blackness. I hear foot steps but then nothing.

Klarions POV

Ally is down. Robin checked her pulse and sighed. He was relived.

Robin- She's alive. Just unconscious.
Tate- Thank God.
Peter- She sure is strong to survive that.
Me- Of course she is.

Taylor came running back to us. She was so happy. She hugged all of us.

Taylor- The Witch is dead. I checked her pulse and breathing. She's dead.

We all smiled. I then took Ally in my arms, bridal style. She was still sweating. I layed her down in her bed and stayed with her. She looked so peaceful. So beautiful. She saved us all. She was amazing. She saved us. Ally is someone I'm not going to let go of without a fight.

Ally's POV

10 years later

I woke up. I was in my bed. I leaned up. I heard foot steps and there was Klarion at my door. I smiled. He looked older. He was taller and had darker hair. He gave me a half smile. I looked confused.

Me- What's wrong?
Klarion- You could always tell if something was wrong.
Me- How long was I out?
Klarion- Ten years.
Me- What?!
Klarion- Listen, I couldn't wait for you. I'm sorry. I'm married.
Me- To who?
Klarion- To Nicki. Everyone else got married as well.
Me- *Crying a little* What? How - How could you.
Nicki- We never thought you would wake up. I'm even in my third month of pregnancy.
Klarion- That's enough! Can't you tell she's already shooken up.
Nicki- She deserves to know.

I got up and my hair started to float up. My eyes glowed black. I was angry. I was murderous right now. I went toward Nicki. She looked scared. Fire erupted in her hands. I put it out and stole the power within her. She looked terrified. Suddenly I stopped.

Voice- Ally! Please wake up! I can't live without you. *Crying*.

My eyes snapped open. Klarion was there. His eyes were red and puffy. He was crying. I breathed heavily.

Me- Oh God.

I grabbed the jacket from his tux. I smashed my lips against his. I was tearing up. When I let go we were breathing hard. I put my head against his chest. He started playing with my hair.

Me- How long was I asleep?
Klarion- A week. Good thing I have magic or everyone would have starved.
Me- If I was asleep for ten years would you find someone else?
Klarion- You are the only one for me. I would never find someone else. Not for a million years.

He lightly kissed me again. I walked out of the room with Klarion. Everyone ran and hugged me. I hugged them back. I now know that we are out of danger for the rest of my life.

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