Fairytale gone Wrong: The Little Mermaid

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Stories POV
Little Mermaid (The original story not movie)

There was a beautiful Princess. The only problem was that she was half fish. The bottom is a fish tail. She loves exploring the ocean but wishes there was more. This girl was Ariel, the little Mermaid. With her fish friends she loves to swim and play. Her sisters were to interested in themselves to care.

One day, playing near the surface she heard a loud BOOM! Even though it was forbidden Ariel swam to the top as fast as she could. When Ariel got there she was amazed. The sky was a beautiful blue and it was her first time ever to see a cloud.

Ariel- Isn't this beautiful.
Flounder- It is but we should go.
Ariel- Stop being such a guppy! Come on!

She swam off, she saw a boat in the distance

Flounder- *sigh*

He followed her to the boat. She was looking on the deck, there was a handsome man her age. Prince Richard. She gazed into his crystal blue eyes. She wanted to learn more than anything what it ment to be human.

Ariel stayed there until night fall. She saw fireworks and stars. She was amazed at the beauty it holds. Then she didn't see a ship. It wasn't anywhere. When she went under the water, there was wood and boat pieces everywhere. She swam all around looking for the Prince. She found him floating in the water, unconscious. She swam like a bullet to him. When she carried him to the surface he was breathing. She brought him to shore. She started to sing to him. Suddenly maids were running to shore.

Maid- Prince! Prince!

They took him to shore as Ariel caught one last glance of the handsome prince. She returned to the kingdom she lived in. Every day she would go to the shore to try and see the handsome prince again. He was never there. But Ariel didn't know that the prince was looking everywhere for the female saviour. Each day she saddened even more, not seeing her prince.

One day, she decides she would see him. She went to see Kira the sea witch. The witch is forbidden to see but Ariel was desperate. She swam there. When she got there Kira was happy to see a mermaid costumer.

Kira- Hello my child, what brings you here?
Ariel- I wish to have legs. So I may walk among the humans.
Kira- If you wish, alright.

She handed Ariel a parchment. It had all the details of the agreement.

Kira- Sign this and I will give you legs in exchange for your voice.
Ariel- How will I tell the prince who I am?
Kira- With your beauty, he will know by the way you look at him. But you will only have a year to make him fall in love with you or you will die.
Ariel- Okay, I will sign.

She signed the paper. Bubbles started forming around her. They brought her to the surface. Her at turned into a pair of legs. As she layed on the sand seaweed covering her up a woman found her and brought her to the castle. Ariel was given a dress and shoes. They went to a room where the prince was. Music started to play and they danced together. Ariel was a marvelous dancer.

11 Months later

Prince Richard and Ariel were the best of friends. They did everything together. She supported him in everything. Ariel was sad that her time was running out. If Richard didn't kiss her she would die.

One night she was on the shore she got a visit from her sister.

Sister 1- We cut our hair off.
Ariel- ?
Sister 2- We gave it to the Sea witch for your voice.

She realized she able to speak.

Ariel- Thank you!

She ran off and waved to her sisters. She knocked on the door of the prince. She told the prince everything. He kissed her softly and they lived happily ever after.

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