The Spider Crystal

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Hey guys this is an authors note. I will be putting someone in from marvel. A friend wanted me to. I hope you understand. Thank you back to the story. In the story don't take anything personally.


2 days later
The last few days I've been great. Less nightmares. Thanks to My friends. Today almost everyone was in the pool. It was hot out so everyone but Hannah, Drew, Ivy and I were in the pool. Nobody still didn't know about the kisses except me but I was planning to expose the Kissing soon. In my own time. Starting with Aidan, Breanna and Drew. Hehe. They deserve to know the truth.

Hannah- What are we going to do? I don't want to swim.
Ivy- I know right. Boring.
Me- Stop complaining.
Drew- Yah. It gets really lame.

Before I could respond. About one thousand spiders came through the door. All of the girls but me screamed. I was surprised I didn't burst an ear drum. When the spiders left there stood a capsule. The riddle inside said Kangaroos and Koala. The outback is where you will find the Next crystal. Where will you go leader and friends?
It was Australia. I always wanted to go there.

Me- Guys, we're going to the Australian Out back.
Ivy- Yay!
Hannah- Oh do I hope it will be another girl. Boys are annoying.
Drew- Agreed.

I transported us to Australia. It was Beautiful. There stood a crystal. Unlike the others. It was surrounded by spiders.

Drew- Ally?

I smiled and hit it with magic. When it broke there was a boy that I didn't reconize but I knew who did. Hannah reconized him.

Hannah- Peter!
Peter Parker- Hannah!

They ran up to her and hugged her. I turned away guessing they were more than friends. When I turned back they were kissing. I almost gagged. It was gross. Then I realized who he was. It was....... SPIDERMAN!

Ivy- Spiderman?
Peter- That's me.
Drew- OMG!
Me- Cool.

I transported us back to the house where everyone was drying off from the pool. Everyone stared at Peter like he was an insult. After the awkward silence, someone had to break the ice.

Me- Guys, this is Peter Parker.
Ivy- Also known as Spiderman.
Nicki- Really?
Peter- Yah.
Robin- Cool.
Aidan- I would say!
Klarion- *Sigh*
Breanna- Wow really awesome.
Peter- Thanks. But I'm also Hannah boyfriend.
Ivy- Hannah, I can not believe you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend.
Hannah- Sorry, you never asked.
Logan- Well what do we do now?
Peter- We could watch a movie or something.
Taylor- Okay how about another horror film?
Aidan- No!
Taylor- Someone's scared.
Aidan - Umm.
Me- Why don't we watch a mystery movie or TV show like Castle?
Klarion- Sure.
Everyone- Okay/sure/sounds good.

We all say down. You can imagine the seating arrangement. I all I know is I was beside Klarion and Breanna. Ivy beside Logan. Robin beside Ariel. Aidan beside Drew and Breanna. Hannah beside Peter. And Taylor and Nicki were beside eachother. We watched about 15 episodes of castle. All of us trying to guess the murderer. We all fell asleep. I fell asleep leaning on Breanna.

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