The Blue Crystal

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When I woke up ot was early Even for me. I still had what Klarion said. I've liked him for so long. It feels so weird. A good weird.

I finally got out of bed. When I walked out of the room, Taylor and I bumped into each other. She fell on the floor and I helped her up. I made us some breakfast. Than someone came in.

Robin- Morning guys.
Taylor- Morning Robin.
Me- Morning.
Robin- What's for breakfast.
Me- Pancakes and bacon.
Robin- Count me in!
Taylor- Hey Ally, do you know what Power Jason has?
Me- Probably the same one as Jana.
Taylor- Ohhh. Thanks.

After the two of them finished,I cleaned up. That's when the main door burst open. Taylor Jumped which made a jar float and then drop. I ran down stairs to close the door. When I checked outside,guess what I saw. A capsule. When I opened it, instead of a riddle was three pictures. (Picture on top.)

The flag set it off immediately. We were going to the Bahama's!

Robin- Yes! We're going to the Bahama's!
Taylor- While we're there can we go swimming?
Me- Sure why not.

I teleported us by the beach. There was a blue crystal floating above some shells. A ball of energy formed in my hand. I threw it at the crystal. When it was destroyed, there stood a girl with dark hair, brown eyes and a kind smile. It was Kira!

Taylor- Kira!
Kira- Hey guys, how's it going?
Me - Good, glad your alive.
Robin- You know her too?!
Taylor- Yup *smiling*
Kira- Please tell me there are more people than you three.
Robin- There is.
Kira- Who?
Me- Ivy, Klarion, Aidan, Logan, Breanna, Nicki, Hannah, Ariel, Peter Parker, Jana, And Jason.
Kira- Jason, Peter and Klarion?
Taylor- Jana's clone and Boyfriend.
Robin- Spiderman and Hannah's boyfriend.
Me- The guy who split the world. One for adults one for kids.
Kira- Ahhh, so you guys want to swim?
Taylor- Heck Yah!
Me- Raew gnihtab tius!

Suddenly all of us were wearing bathing suits. I was wearing a black bikini. Taylor was wearing a pink one piece. Kira was wearing a blue one piece and Robin was wearing red swimming trunks. We all went in the ocean.

2 Hours Later

We finally got out of the water and went back home. No one was awake. So we all watched some TV until we heard a whiney voice.

Aidan- I'm hungry!
Me- tsafkaerb!

There was pancakes and bacon on the table. Aidan started to drool and he soon dug in.

1 hour later

Everyone was finally up. I'm surprised they were up this early. It was 5:00 am. Everyone was on the couch except for Aidan and Drew. But I suspected they were doing more important things.

Aidan's POV
(This is a friend's Idea not mine!)

I was with Drew in the garden. It was a beautiful sunny day. The light made Drews eyes sparkle. (Sorry for this lovey dove stuff.) We sat down on the fountain ledge. A wind picked up causing her hair to flow. She looked at me with her blue eyes.

Drews POV

I looked at Aidan. He looked like a love sick puppy. It was cute. I leaned in to kiss him. I touched his soft lips it was perfection.

(Really sorry for this love stuff. *sigh*)

When it was done. We both smiled and turned pink. I will never get use to it. Ever.

Aidan- You look amazing.
Me- Thanks *blushing harder*

A piece of hair went in my face. He makes moved it out of the way.

Ally's POV

I was still on the couch with everyone. Ariel and Robin were acting all strange. Same with Ivy and Logan. It was so weird. There was an awkward silence between all of us. I decided to go train for a bit. As I left I thought someone was following me. When I turned around No one was there. As I went around the corner I found Jason and Jana. They were acting all lovey-dovey as well. I finally made it to the training room. I changed into a Tank top and shorts. I was battling drones.

One came at me. I jumped and did a front flip. I landed on its shoulders and I pushed down. It was on its back as I Kartwheeled a few feet away from it. It got up. It went to kick my head. I grabbed the cold metal foot and threw it to the wall. Destroying it. I was breathing hard. My pulse was fast. When they went back to normal a slow clap was coming from the entrance. I turned my head to see Klarion.

Klarion- Hey.
Me- Hi. What do you want?
Klarion- To watch.
Me- Well I'm done.
Klarion- Okay, I also wanted to talk.

My heart skipped a beat. Not of excitement. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was not in the best mood. We walked out together. I ran to my room. I shut the door and locked it. I turned on the shower.

15 minutes later.

I came out of the shower. My blonde hair was soaking wet. It was longer than usual. That's what normally happens to curly hair. I noticed my blue eyes had a shimmer to them when I looked in the mirror. I was only in a long towel when I came out. I put on Black leggings, a black Ling sleeve and black socks. With my black sneakers that had purple on them. Black was my color. I went into the bathroom and when I came out, Klarion was there. Sitting on bed.

Klarion- I want to talk.
Me- Fine, talk then. I'll listen.
Klarion- Is everything all right?
Me - Yah. Why?
Klarion - You seem,unhappy.
Me- I don't know why.
Klarion- Is it about the date?
Me- No, it could never be about that.
Klarion- Then what is it?
Me- Everyone seems to have their perfect match. Most of the people here have experienced love before. I have never.
Klarion- I've never.

I looked at him. I knew he never knew that he didn't ever feel love. I know he never experienced it with anyone. But never felt it. I sat next to him on my bed. I put my hand on top of his and squeezed it gently. He smiled.

Klarion- Until now.
Me- What?
Klarion - Nothing.

He put his hand on my cheek. His hands were so soft. I smiled at him. I kissed his cheek gently. That's when the moment was ruined. By them.

Taylor - Hey guys.
Peter- Hi.
Hanah- Hey.
Klarion- Hi.

The four of them left. Leaving me to my thoughts. Tomorrow would be the next step with me and Klarion. And I was glad.


Hey guys. This is another authors note. I hope you are enjoying this. So keep reading if you want to find out what happens on the date. You can also leave a suggestion to me, telling me what you think I should do. It will help.

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