Old fights

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So it's been about a day since I found them. I get along with both of them but they don't get along with each other. Since Robin fights for Justice and Klarion doesn't they don't get along. It first started when all of us were looking for more people.

Klarion- Hey Ally, watch this.

I looked toward him and with his magic he was started throwing rocks in his direction. Robin kept going after them because he thought there was someone there. I giggled.

Robin- Come on guys, I think I heard something. There might be someone there.
Klarion- Really? (He said it sarcastically)
Me- Robin, I don't think there is anyone else.
Robin- Well I heard something and it was not my imagination.
Me- Klarion, stop messing with him.
Robin- Your messing with me? Why?
Klarion- Yup I am and I'm doing so because it's fun.
Robin- Well this is serious.
Klarion- doesn't mean we can't have a little fun.

After that they kept arguing. I stopped listening because it was very irritating.

Robin- Yah?
Klarion- Yah!
Me- Enough, both of you, we are the last ones in the universe. Stop arguing we are supposed to be friends.
Both of them- Fine. *sigh*
Me- good

We started walking around. We went to the center of Gotham City. There was a rainbow crystal floating above the ground. I walked toward it. I touched it. A message came on.

Crystal- You are the last of mankind. I have chosen all of you for a reason. There should be 13 humans left in the world. Three to start and the other 10 are in crystals around the universe. One will die to save the rest and 12 will remain. Thank you.

Me- Were not the only ones!
Robin- Yes!!
Klarion - Yay ( sarcastically).
Me- What's Wrong?
Klarion- I was just hoping that I could spend some more time with both of you or at least one of you. Not 12 others.
Robin- Selfish Brat.
Klarion- What was that?!
Me- Enough! It will take some time to locate and break free the others. So Klarion you will have time and we will get the others back. Plus it's only 10 other people besides us.

I took both of their hands. And lead them to my ship that took us to Gotham. We flew back to my mansion in New York. They started fighting so I thought of a scheme to help.

I was going to fake my own kidnapping.

Next mornings
I wrote a note to them from Aliens that killed the people. Dear Klarion and Robin, we have been watching all three of you. Now, we have captured one, you will surrender, or she dies. When you surrender you will be taken to our home planet. -Bolotights. P.S We are the one who destroyed your race. We will not hesitate to kill more. The spot to meet us is what you call London. I disappeared. I went to London. I put myself in a cage and had *Aliens*. Surround me. They were actually Robots.

Klarions POV
I woke up and Robin was still here, great. But Ally wasn't. I woke up Robin and looked around. There was a note for us. It was by the Alien race that killed everyone. I immediately transported us to London. Ally was unconscious in a cage. Blood dripping on her arms and head. Aliens surrounded us. I heard one of the aliens talking.

Alien #1- When will they get here?
Alien #2- Not sure, remember we kill them on sight. Then we kill the girl.

I could tell that Robin heard as well. We went came out I was ready to fight.

Me- Really, you are going to try to kill us.
Robin- Not going to happen, Alien Scum.

We started to attack we took them down pretty quickly. I used magic to open the cage Ally was in. She was starting to wake up.

Ally's POV
As I pretended to wake up, there was a booming sound that became stronger and stronger. Finally, A huge Alien came in.

Me- We have to work together to win this fight.

Before I could say anything else. An electric shock hit me. I fell to the ground and pretended to be unconscious. The got ready to attack. Klarion hit the Alien with an energy ball. No damage. Robin threw some explosion things. They shattered when it touched them. Then they started working togther. Klarion did a spell that turned Robins Explosion things, into magical ones it was able to knock the alien down then, Robin flung Klarion who had fire, blasted a hole through the thing. They high fived. They ran to me while I stood up.

Me- Finally I made you two stop fighting.
Robin- What do you mean?!
Me- Those were robots. None of this was real. I just wanted the two of you to work together. Ha! It worked.
Klarion- You mean, you were never in danger.
Me- No, but at least I know you two care about me. Hehe.

They looked at me in anger. But then I hugged them both and when I let go they were smiling. We went back to the house afterwards.

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