The peach crystal

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The birthday was amazing. We had the best time ever. When we woke up everyone was in their bedrooms sleeping. I was up. I already trained and now I'm watching TV. I hear a familiar voice.

Klarion- Good Morning Ally.
Me- Morning Klarion.

He sat beside me on the couch. I leaned my head on his shoulders. We watched TV some more. He looked at me and I could tell he was nervous.

Klarion- So you never really did explain in the Little bit Opposite universe.
Me- Nothin really to tell. You fought for justice. The League and team were villians. Umm, I was a villian that I think turned good. After Shekissedtheoppositeyou.
Klarion- I didn't catch that last part.
Me- Not important. Anyway, Breanna and Drew were fighting over Aidan. And Taylor was with some guy that made her cry. That was it pretty much.
Klarion- Okay, was it scary.
Me- A little. I don't really like the world. It was really weird.

I snuggled up to him more when the Electricity from the TV went, smack dab in the middle of the floor. A capsule is there.

Klarion- You've got to be kidding me! Now of all times?!

I laugh it was true. The riddle inside the capsule said The CN tower, Capital of Ontario. It's a huge city. It is very polluted. Breanna went here and so did you Leader of The people. So where will you find the Next crystal?

Of course I knew the answer. By the way are the things doing this trying to piss me off. I lived in Canada and never wanted to go back. I transported myself and Klarion to Toronto. The place where the CN tower was. When we got there we had to travel the top of the CN tower. Thank god my self and Klarion had Magic. It would have taken forever without it.

Klarion- So you went here as a young girl?
Me- Yup.
Klarion- Was it fun.
Me- It was. I enjoyed it. Have you ever been here?
Klarion- No.

Then I saw it. A Peach colored crystal, floating. Klarion blew it up. Right After there stood a girl with Brownish hair, pale skin and freckles. With a headband in her hair.

Me- Jana!
Jana- Hey Ally. I see you have made friends with the Witch Boy.
Klarion- Why did I not act surprised when you knew her? Now I know, you know everyone!
Me- I didn't know Peter.
Jana- Okay, well who else is alive?
Me- Taylor, Ivy, Logan, Aidan.
Jana- Come on! Aidan's Alive! Sorry, continue.
Me- Breanna, Hannah, Ariel, Drew, Peter and Robin.
Jana- Cool, Yes! Drews alive! And like, THE ROBIN!
Me- Yahhhh.
Jana- Awesome.

She ran over to me. She multiplied into two Jana's. She looked at her self.

Both Jana's- Awesome!
Me- I guess you have the power to multiply your self.

I gave her a bracelet and she turned back to one Jana.

Me- This Bracelet will allow you to control your powers.

She nodded and smiled. She multiplied her self into about 20 of herself. She made a circle around Klarion and I. I rolled my eyes. She went back to one and I transported us back to the house. Aidan and Drew were on the couch. When Drew saw Jana she ran up and hugged her. Jana multiplied her self into two and when Aidan stood up, Jana kicked him in the gut. Jana, Drew and I started laughing. Klarion started to snicker. And Aidan was holding his stomach trying to hold back tears.

Aidan- What was that for?!
Jana- It was an I missed you gift. But more like an I didn't miss you gift.
Aidan- *Growl*
Klarion- *Sigh*
Me- Stop it. I'm not saying Aidan didn't deserve that, he did deserve it but not the point. All of us should try to get along.
Aidan- Okay.
Jana- I'm not making any promises.
Me- Didn't expect you to.
Drew- Don't you dare hurt him twice in a row. Let me hurt him first.

She walked up and kicked him where no one should get kicked. You know where. Everyone started laughing as Aidan fell on the floor holding where she kicked.

2 Hours Later
Everyone woke up about an hour ago. They were catching up. Everyone showed them each other's powers. Even Klarion was participating. We had a great night talking, making fun of Aidan, showing off powers, and just being teens without drugs or alcohol. Never do drugs or alcohol kids/teens/adults.

It was a nice night to relax.

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