Another First Date

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It was in the morning. I was nervous about tonight. I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. That's when I heard an unfamiliar Meow.

Voice- Meow.

I looked through my door. Nothing. I went to the window and that's when I saw an all black cat. She was beautiful. I transported myself to where the cat was. She stood their. She didn't seem afraid. She tilted her head as I walked near her. She didn't move but her head was upright again.
Me- Hey kitty, kitty.
Cat- Meow.
Me- Kaeps Hsilgne!
Cat- Hello there.
Me- Hi where are you from?
Cat- No where. I just woke up and I was Here. How am I talking?
Me- Magic. So do you want to live here?
Cat- Sure but can you give me a name. Me- How about Shadow.
Shadow- Sounds good.

I transported us back to my room. She walked around exploring the new environment.

Shadow- What a beautiful house.
Me- This is just my room.
Shadow- What?!
Me- Yah, by the way I'm the only one who can understand you.
Shadow- There are more people staying here? Are there any more cats?
Me- There are many people living here. And there is another cat. Named Teekl.
Shadow- Yay!

I walked out of the room. Everyone was waiting for breakfast.

Aidan- Took you long enough. We're all starving.
Me- Hush. I was getting a friend.
Taylor- There's someone new.
Shadow- Meow.
Ariel- Awww. A kitty.
Me- Guys, this is Shadow.
Logan- Where did you find her?
Me- Outside my window.
Ivy- Can we have breakfast now.
Me- Ekam sekacnap dna nocab!
Robin- Thank you.
Klarion- Thanks.
Jana/ Jason- Thanks Ally.
Everyone else- Thanks.
Me- You guys are welcome.

I walked down stairs with Shadow following.

Me- What do you like to eat?
Shadow- Fish.
Me- Okay,come down to my Aquariam.
Shadow- Full of fish!?
Me- Yah.

I walked down to my Aquariam. Shadow looked at all the fresh water fish and jumped into the water. She started swimming after all the fish. I made a bed for her and a litter box with a bowl of milk. I left the room leaving her to whatever she wants.

I walked up stairs it was already 11:35am. As I was walking to my room a door opened and a hand came out and grabbed my wrist. They pulled me into the room. The room was dark. I couldn't see. A fire lit in my hand to see. It blew out. I did it again with a shield. Suddenly the lights turned on and in the room stood Klarion. I looked at him confused.

Me- Why did you do that?
Klarion- Because.
Me- Because why?
Klarion- Because we need to talk about tonight. Is this really a good Idea?
Me- I think so. I kinda owe it to you.
Klarion- What if I asked you out before the owing thing.
Me - I would have said yes. *blushing*
Klarion- You would?
Me- Yah.

He took my hand. I smiled. He smiled back. He stepped closer and put a hand to my cheek. He leaned in and it was ruined.

Breanna - Hey guys Whats Goin on?

Klarion let go of my hand and stepped back. Frowning. I could tell that he was upset of being interrupted. I walked out of the room.

Breanna- Did I do something?
Klarion- No, not at all.

I went back to my room. When I walked out I saw Jana and Jason together. Guess what they were doing. You guessed it. Kiss kiss. It was really sweet. They liked eachother a lot.

I walked back to the room that Shadow was in. She was sleeping in her bed. Her fur was all wet. Teekl was there too. She was snuggling with her.

I walked back up to my room and read some stories. I got really bored. Everyone was probably watching TV like when I went up. It was now 2:45pm.

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